At last...

7 Jul 2010
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...someone in authority has actually said it - albeit in Switzerland.

"The authorities said in a statement on Wednesday that "the public interest concerning gender equality as well as integration of foreigners far outweighs that concerning the freedom of belief of students".

Don't accuse me of being anti-muslim. You will see from previous posts that I am anti-the presumption and oft-stated doctrine that people's religious beliefs must be respected; no matter how ludicrous.

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...someone in authority has actually said it - albeit in Switzerland.

"The authorities said in a statement on Wednesday that "the public interest concerning gender equality as well as integration of foreigners far outweighs that concerning the freedom of belief of students".

Don't accuse me of being anti-muslim. You will see from previous posts that I am anti-the presumption and oft-stated doctrine that people's religious beliefs must be respected; no matter how ludicrous.

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I don't see the problem. If/when someone's religious beliefs go directly against local culture or law, then it's the local culture or law that takes precedence.
Similarly, if/when JW's refuse blood transfusions and their life is in serious danger, the court can order that their religious belief is over-ridden, especially in the case of minors. Also, especially when the religious belief is of doubtful provenance.
However, if the local culture is happy to accommodate a religious belief then why not?
In this case the religious belief was of doubtful provenance.
Didn't the Swiss have a referendum, rather like the one we are being allowed to have on eu membership, on whether they wanted any mosques being built in their country, which they declined to allow, democracy in action, why cant we have a similar vote on various matters of public concern? What are our political masters frightened of? What would you want as the top ten issues to be put to a vote.
That is completely wrong, didn't get that from Britain First did you? The referendum was about minarets not mosques, there are mosques
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So what about our choice with a referendum, want to address that issue or are you pro multicultural britain
In living memory, we have had towns where people hounded out members of disfavoured religions or ethnic groups, and proudly put signs on the approach saying "Welcome to Xtown. Free of X's"

Is that the kind of nation you want?
Would it be any worse than the mess we have now. Bear in mind that my relatives fought to keep this country from being invaded and now its been given away without the consent of the people. Have a vote see the result what are you and yours frightened of. Or do you subscribe to a p.c dictatorship
So as you are so pro multiculturalism why haven't you moved to one of the countries that we've had imports from and ask them to change their society to accommodate your beliefs. You could also insist they provide you with free medical care, free education and a social security net for hard times. See how far you get. Again have you and yours a mandate from the people to change the demography of this countries population. Or is it a case of we know best and we will inflict our ideas on you and yours. Have you considered that your policy of unfettered immigration may result in a situation where by the original indigenous population may find themselves excluded in the manner you profess to find repugnant when the balance of numbers leads to the indigenous population being a minority. Where would you go for protection from a situation like this. What would you do say we've made a bit of a mistake here would you all mind going away now. Reason with the like of isis. good luck
why haven't you moved to one of the countries that we've had imports from and ask them to change their society to accommodate your beliefs.

Because I already live in a country that supports my beliefs, dick.

Why haven't you moved to a country that hates people of different race, religion or ethnicity?

You may be shocked to learn that many of the people who fought to liberate Europe were fighting to defeat Fascism, and the cult of hating and oppressing people of different race, religion or culture.
Bear in mind that my relatives fought to keep this country from being invaded
So that's why we were fighting in France, Malaysia, Borneo (as was), Egypt, Turkey, Norway, etc, etc. to stop this country, i.e. the UK, from being invaded.
As I recall, during WW2 the invasion of UK was not really on the table.
Or were your referring to the Romans, the Vikings, etc?

Have a vote see the result what are you and yours frightened of. Or do you subscribe to a p.c dictatorship
So you want a referendum with the question as: "do you subscribe to a p.c dictatorship?" :rolleyes:
Why not suggest it to your local MP? :rolleyes:
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As I recall, during WW2 the invasion of UK was not really on the table.
Or were your referring to the Romans, the Vikings, etc?
There were plans...
Oh yes, there were plans but:
Operation Sea Lion German: Unternehmen Seelöwe) was Nazi Germany's code name for a provisionally proposed invasion of the United Kingdom during the Battle of Britain in the Second World War. Following the Fall of France the Nazis expected the British to seek a peace agreement, and invasion was considered as a last resort if other options failed. As a precondition, the proposed operation required both air and naval superiority over the English Channel and proposed landing sites, neither of which the Germans ever achieved during the war. A large number of barges were adapted as the proposed invasion fleet, but Sea Lion was postponed indefinitely on 17 September 1940 and never carried out. The German High Command (German:Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) had no confidence that the plan was feasible, and most historians agree it had little possibility of success.
This would not have warranted the kind of war that resulted across nearly all continents.
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