Autumn is coming

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ninebob said:
WoodYouLike said:
securespark said:
How about Gladys Knight???
But, does she have a pencil ??
Nah, can't afford one. She's only ever had a few pips.....
but if the pen be mightier than the sword then where standeth the lowley pencil? Yea verily be it the pencil of the commoner and therefore mightier than the humble pike (hey nonny and not the one in the village pond yea jester!)

odd bodkins!

(and its nippy in the mornings now!)
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my favorait time of the month soon will be duck season, anyone go shooting
Hope the duck shooting season does not turn out like the pheasant shooting season ,this dry hot summer has caused a worm infestion which has vertially wiped out the pheasant stock in Kent
Not yet, but if you want to stand still BOB I'll go get a gun :LOL:
splinter said:
Hope the duck shooting season does not turn out like the pheasant shooting season ,this dry hot summer has caused a worm infestion which has vertially wiped out the pheasant stock in Kent

last year i had pheasant, partridge, duck, and wood pigoen for my chrimbo dinner, hope it dont spread up north
solo said:
Not yet, but if you want to stand still BOB I'll go get a gun :LOL:

solo my old brain cell how yea doing are yea sure what a trigger is.
Is that the part you look down to see if the bullet is coming out?
solo said:
Is that the part you look down to see if the bullet is coming out?

well thats the idea solo cell hope thats not to technical for yea, but dont worry test tube brain multiplacation is on its way just hang on in their, should be here in a few years.
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