Baby Gro In Suspense

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
For my birthday, I had a newborn baby gro that all three of my boys wore framed and hung on the hall wall. Inherited wallpaper excepted, I think it looks good.


Anybody got anything odd hanging on their walls?
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its not on the walls but i had some leftover beech worktop that i put on the window sill in the kitchen to replace the tiles,looks neat and is easy to keep clean.
Not hanging on the walls but my wife cuts up rags at home and brings them to work. It's really strange to grab a rag out of the box and realise it was one of my son's favourite t-shirts from a few years back.
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Not on the wall, but I've got the original marriage certificate (issued at the time, not a later copy) of my great grandfather to his wife (who happened to be my great grandmother). It was issued in 1887.

My pianolla was built in 1904, so that is just 17 years younger. Still plays OK, but I haven't got round to putting all the plumbing back in since moving.
TexMex said:
Still plays OK, but I haven't got round to putting all the plumbing back in since moving.

When you do, can you give us a rendition of Handel's Water Music? :LOL:
I've got this Vellum scroll presented to my granddad who assisted in the rescue of the crew of a shipwreck. Note Mussolini's signature

I went back to work yesterday afternoon , after my break , an to sort my lovely van out , lol...oh its awful your tools are all over , its like being raped I imagine ......these rough lads all over your tools an not respecting /cleaning ...uuuuuurgh an using tools wrong , an drill bits broke an good/dear ones thrown about ...
3 hrs I was outside the house of this job as Chip & Dale /picksy an dicksy the Disney chipmunks ..

were ripping T/G floorboards up , in a 3m by 2.5m bathroom which is tiny an HORRIBLE to work in as a 1 man but me an two chipmunks ..urrgh .. I
left them to it ..

well on up the stairs I had this lady sat in the hallway , overlooking my chipmunks ...

this was the 1st time EVER ,...

I asked the lady of the house down stairs an she came down reluctant ,
I asked what was going on , had 1 of my lads upset/done something wrong , ....

after a long grilling she said YOU HAVENT SEEN THE TV DRAMA "MARAMA AGAIn " or something ,
I said I wasnt up to much on monday as my lil lady got home .. an we love each over ...
I asked is it a Sky thing as Ill see again ...thinking a "plumbers are murderous thing .."

lol... when mrs squire told about the programe
her fear...I had her laughing all over an told her about picksy an dicksy , shes got one of them special kids, daughter , a /downs teen ..child , shes 13 .. so a teen ..(I went into a david brent moment there ... ) real world I was ok ... as stunned , that she thought picksy an dicksy = Chip & Dale were pedophiles

so after all that I will take down the shreadded skins of non payers that litter my home ..
I do magic buts to my wife about look at that then a 7" /2"girth/wide jerking about , I know its not that big .. lol ;)

I am So into that prog now , an as my Gorgeous demon Babe wants to Hate julia in , Nighty Nighty as she liked him/quizmaster in the quiz show ...
securespark said:
Moz said:
I went back to work yesterday afternoon , after my break , ..............

secure said:

I think Moz was talking about his customer being worried about his plumbers after watching Marion Again the ITV drama on Sunday and Monday evening. As the 'bad guy' was a plumber (who was also a magician) who locked a girl in a box under the floorboards in his back room! ;) :)
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