Back in time for tea

d enemies at every opportunity, they encourage division of their own country and create the "me me" culture. These people actually want Great Britain to lose at everything

I agree it's terrible the way successive governments have flogged off our train operators, NHS services and anything else not nailed down, to foreigners for a quick buck.

Aren't we lucky we've got Brexit, a fantastic opportunity for Tory MPs to flog loads more of the NHS to the USA just to line their pockets.
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Design is where the money is. Always has been. Most of the stuff I work on is 70-90% profit.
Which is fine, until you bump up against the efficiency of having design co located with manufacturing. So first you lose the factories, then some design Jobs, then all of them.

In consulting you often start with the low profit outsourcing and support jobs, then use it as a wedge for the more profitable services jobs.
The BBC not telling the truth? I'm shocked! (well not really)
It's a factual/entertainment programme not a current affairs one. Someone quite low down on the food chain would have been told to find some "interesting stuff" to fill a voice over.

I don't claim that wiki is right, I did a 5 minute search and there's no way that Britain made 17% of stuff in the world at any point
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British bashing of everything the country is trying to do and not supporting the country that is supporting them.
Are you saying that it is wrong for people who love the UK to complain when business people and politicians do things that harm the UK? Or when they do things badly?

Sorry Woods, but many folk won't stand by and watch a bunch of dumb selfish gammons ruin the UK.
I do believe the virus was brought to the UK by Brits. Skiers from Ischgl, Austria.

Who got it from foreigners who got it from chinese

So the cause is foreigners

Pretty simple even for u to work. Out Noseall.

Than again :LOL:
Pretty simple even for u to work. Out Noseall
Yes. Brits brought it to the UK. If it wasn't for us foreigners (British travelling abroad as foreigners) we would never have brought it back here to the UK.

Simple - it was the British foreigners that brought it here.
Yes. Brits brought it to the UK. If it wasn't for us foreigners (British travelling abroad as foreigners) we would never have brought it back here to the UK.

Simple - it was the British foreigners that brought it here.

Er no they caught it from some one who was in Contact with a foreigner

Which can then be traced back to China

U may not know but China is a foreign country

And its mostly populated with Chinese people

Yep tis true noseall Chinese live in China. ;)
Er no they caught it from some one who was in Contact with a foreigner

Which can then be traced back to China

U may not know but China is a foreign country

And its mostly populated with Chinese people

Yep tis true noseall Chinese live in China. ;)
And Brits are foreigners when in China. Bad luck boyo.
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