Bad Week ...

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Bad week so far :-

Fred D
The apalling train crash.
Howard Keel 85 - actor
Eddie Charlton 75. - Oz Snooker player of repute
Emlyn Huges ..age 57, brain tumour .... 'Crazy horse', ex Liverpool and England soccer captain.

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hey goes on buddy, sad i know but look at all the good in the world
4 brave lads of the black watch
palestein about to go into uproar when arrafat dies
iraqs going to get worse
still life goes on
Whoa !! Crazy horse was younger than me !! That gives cause for concern !! ;)
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On top of all that I didn't win the lottery again. :(
If the driver of the car that caused the train crash had committed suicide, Why would someone commit such a callous and selfish act? Fair enough if you can't cope with life yourself, but to hurt other people in the process...

On a lighter note:
kendor said:
And i'm out of Rum and Raisin ice cream :cry:

I take it you found some then! :D
first the Dodo died
then Di died,
and Doddi died,
after that Dando died
then Dibnah died
god! Dido must be sh*ttin herself :rolleyes:

i thankyou and good night
mildmanneredjanitor said:
If the driver of the car that caused the train crash had committed suicide, Why would someone commit such a callous and selfish act? Fair enough if you can't cope with life yourself, but to hurt other people in the process...

Hate to point this one out as I too think it was a selfish act, but normally the train will plough straight through any vehicle, it was the point junction that will be found to have caused the carriages to go over, tragically.
No it wasn't mate. The interim report came out today. Nothing wrong with anything. The thing that caused the train to derail was hitting it at 100mph
jasy said:
The thing that caused the train to derail was hitting it at 100mph

Interim report?
With the weight of the train, and the speed of it, the position and weight of the car would not cause anything to have turned over. Maybe with a bogie straddling the rail after the collision, at the junction with the point, the bogie would have been forced to one side by the structure of the track, not the rail, with that weight and speed then overtaking it, causing the other carriages then to twist and flip. The car was left shortly after the crossing, no damage to the rails until the points were reached - Mate!
A very sad chain of circumstances.
Don't argue boys! :D

At the end of the day, if this chap chose a method not involving others then a few families would't be in mourning right now...

Although I seem to be in the minority, I actually have some sympathy for the guy that caused the other derailment. However that accident happened (falling asleep, or losing control), it was just that, an accident. To lose everything and be imprisonned for it just adds to the tragedy.
I guess, in industry, if designed into a new project, to have half width gates, no sensing devices for blocked track, no supervision ... would never get past the safety officer !!
Half width gates are to help people get off track in emergency ... Should people deserve that much responsibility to police themselves ?
People overtake on blind bends whilst driving never mind zig-zagging a level crossing.

I know we have metal on metal with train braking, hence appallingly inefficient stopping ability, hence I suppose, track sensing plus full width gates needing closure earlier, would effect lengthier road hold up. Anything sensed on track crossing would give engine driver time to stop through linked red lights and electronic warning plus brake activation.

In towns near me, roads are narrowed and half blocked to slow / deter traffic .... I would think that a little extra time at a rail crossing would count for very little, and be just an extension of the drive to slow/deter use of vehicles. Certainly would be a valid case for longer delay.
Heaven only knows what happens in a crash when the lines themselves make be lacking integrety ... as per the recent TV docu. with covert filming showing very lax rail maintenance.
king.module said:
first the Dodo died
then Di died,
and Doddi died,
after that Dando died
then Dibnah died
god! Dido must be sh*ttin herself :rolleyes:

i thankyou and good night
Excellent! :LOL:
Whats this news about the dodo?

Must admit my first thought was why they do not design trains so they will knock a car out of the way. I do remember someone saying at another crash that carriages are lighter now, so less likely to stay on the track.

Thought it was a bit disingenuous of spokesman for the railway claiming that there was nothing wrong with crossings, it was the fault of the driver parking there. If you design something so that someone can park in front of an incoming train, then someone will.

Crossing near me in London is prone to heavy traffic. One time I was passing and the gates came down on this line of continuous stationary traffic right across the railway. People don't respect junctions these days. A green light means charge ahead. Box junctions are getting fuller too.

Sensor to actually check track is clear seems rather a good idea
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