"Bail In" v "Bail Out"

I have accumulated a good stack of silver, but I am shedding loads in exchange for gold. Silver is an industrial metal, same as platinum, so it would be catastrophic if it did go very high. Gold is what the BRIC countries are buying by the ton, China probably bought as much gold in the last year as the UK has in reserve.
We had a lot more until that dim wit Brown sold it off cheap.
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Britain has run a debt balance since the late 1600s.

Never at this level.

"Never" being the Andy11-approved version of the word, meaning "From time to time".

Even a fleeting mooch at Google, Wikipedia, or any other t'interweb resource, gives the lie to your claim.

Why do you post such easily-refuted carp?
"Never" being the Andy11-approved version of the word, meaning "From time to time".

Even a fleeting mooch at Google, Wikipedia, or any other t'interweb resource, gives the lie to your claim.

Why do you post such easily-refuted carp?

Have we ever had this level of debt at the same time as having an endless commitment to keeping more people out of employment than there are in employment? And with a communist-style government that only wants to spend more? And whilst letting millions of extra people into the country? And with a cash-burning bottomless pit of a health service? And with limitless money printing?

Previous governments borrowed for specific purposes and periods of time. That way of doing things ended with Blair and Brown.
Have we ever had this level of debt at the same time as having an endless commitment to keeping more people out of employment than there are in employment? And with a communist-style government that only wants to spend more? And whilst letting millions of extra people into the country? And with a cash-burning bottomless pit of a health service? And with limitless money printing?

Previous governments borrowed for specific purposes and periods of time. That way of doing things ended with Blair and Brown.

You're stark-staring mad.
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A key benefit of bail-in is to ensure that large banks can fail in an orderly way: continuing to provide key activities for the economy whilst losses are imposed on a failed bank’s shareholders and creditors, rather than depositors and taxpayers.

Deposits that are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (‘FSCS’) are legally excluded from bail-in. This generally includes deposits up to the amount of £85,000 per eligible person (but please see information on the FSCS website on for more information on which depositors and firms are covered by FSCS protection).

This means that depositors who are fully protected by the FSCS will not lose money in a bail-in (or any other kind of bank failure).

Sounds good to me.
A key benefit of bail-in is to ensure that large banks can fail in an orderly way: continuing to provide key activities for the economy whilst losses are imposed on a failed bank’s shareholders and creditors, rather than depositors and taxpayers.

Deposits that are protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (‘FSCS’) are legally excluded from bail-in. This generally includes deposits up to the amount of £85,000 per eligible person (but please see information on the FSCS website on for more information on which depositors and firms are covered by FSCS protection).

This means that depositors who are fully protected by the FSCS will not lose money in a bail-in (or any other kind of bank failure).

Sounds good to me.
The only fly in the ointment is


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I started posting about the collapse of Credit Suisse about 6 weeks before they collapsed, they eventually collapsed March 24th if memory serves me.
They are not out of the proverbial yet, they are not your average bank as they are derivative laden, I'm expecting Deutsche Bank, The First Republican Bank or The Schwab bank to collapse next


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Pred, do you have recurrent fears that you are suffering and being treated unfairly? Do you feel that there is a conspiracy by some hidden powerful group to do you down? Do you think that the institutions that should serve and protect you are in fact biased against you?

Are there people who are in some way "different" to you, who have too much power and influence and should be removed from society?

Do you feel that you have done everything you should, and yet you have not received your just reward?

Do you believe that there is somebody who can put all this right, if only he is given enough power, and unquestioning loyalty and obedience?
Pred, do you have recurrent fears that you are suffering and being treated unfairly? Do you feel that there is a conspiracy by some hidden powerful group to do you down? Do you think that the institutions that should serve and protect you are in fact biased against you?

Are there people who are in some way "different" to you, who have too much power and influence and should be removed from society?

Do you feel that you have done everything you should, and yet you have not received your just reward?

Do you believe that there is somebody who can put all this right, if only he is given enough power, and unquestioning loyalty and obedience?
I don't fear any of the above, I'm merely trying to enlighten people what is happening.

The FIAT currency is on the verge of collapse, last week chairman Xi along with Mohammad bin Salman brought Iran in from the cold, the Deep State Cabal, Illuminati, Bilderbergs or whatever name you want to call them want the Arab States divided.

The BRICS nations Brazil, Russia, India China and South America now have a dozen or more countries joining the group.

A number of years ago Bush weaponised the petrol dollar giving Saudi protection, this meant if you want to buy oil you have to use USD. Saudi has already done a deal with China and is selling oil for yuan there's now about 20 countries no longer require the USD to buy oil and they no longer need to have their vaults full of USD and bonds, they have started dumping them on the market which will destroy the privately owned Central Bank of America and when the US sneezes we all catch the flu.

Syria has also been brought in from the cold, as I said I don't live in fear, I'm just a bit annoyed that the crash is taking so long..
The FIAT currency is on the verge of collapse
I'm curious, when do you see this collapse happening, and what will it look like?

When do expect the gold brick currency to come into use?
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