"Bail In" v "Bail Out"

As for folk that spout stuff on YT, I take MANY of them with a significant pinch of salt ;)
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Are you claiming that you knew about the banking problems before anyone else?
It would appear so Denso......... As I said Credit Suisse can't be saved due to it being derivatives Laden, Deutsche Bank and Schwab bank will probably be the next to go, after that it will be a domino effect and will take the stock markets down to, here's another conspiracy for you, the Rothschilds bank along with the Rockefellers pharmafiosa will not be around this time next year...
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Righty or wrongly I liken this sort of thing to folk that walk around saying 'the end of world is nigh!' well it's been 'nigh' for centuries then. 'Buy Bitcoin, put all your fiat reserves into crypto, it's going to the moon value wise whereas fiat is near deaths door.'

To the OP, you might be right in your assertions you might be wrong. However I'm going to stick with my fiat based investments and hope for the best. If things do go belly up, I'll be far from alone which in itself will hopefully give me a degree of comfort.
I know little to nothing about DC, Bitcoin I reckon will survive, many won't I've heard that theta is a good bet as it's cheap at the moment, but I'm going to wait till the dust settles. I wish you all the best with your investments
It would appear so Denso
You don't have a good track record on predictions...

The FIAT currency is on the verge of collapse, last week chairman Xi along with Mohammad bin Salman brought Iran in from the cold, the Deep State Cabal, Illuminati, Bilderbergs or whatever name you want to call them want the Arab States divided.

The BRICS nations Brazil, Russia, India China and South America now have a dozen or more countries joining the group.
Have we moved to the Gold Brick standard yet? I only ask as I haven't heard anything and might have missed the announcement.
Could be because immigrants also require public services.
They have accidents, get sick, need somewhere to live, their kids need schools just like everyone else.
To service these needs we need more immigrants, its a bit like a Ponzi scheme.

Read the other day that over 10% of properties in UK are sold to foreign buyers.
Have you been looking at your Minority Interest websites again?

What sort of hat do you wear?
I can assure you that my tinfoil hat didn't give me myocarditis, pericarditis or blood clots..
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