ban the evil religion

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26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
ok what religion am i talking about seems if you even type it the MOD changeS your words i for one think he has over stepped the mark here and should be reprimanded for that

MOD can you justify changing my words i challenge you now to do it ok

go on justify your self

too many chiefs not enougth indians

if you dont like what i say ignore me but i have the right to say what i think

unless of course you are taking it personal and in that case you should not be a MOD
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Which is the evil religion. Throughout time and indeed in most parts of the world today wars and conflict are down to religion. So lets ban them all.
If anyone needs me, I'll be doing my "can you actually articulate and justify your views instead of spouting regurgitated websites" dance, to this here broken record...

I love religions me.
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Yes, lets ban................hmm.....................let me because they cause accidents..........well not all of them, just a few of them cause accidents so lets ban them. Hang on a minute lets ban dogs. One killed a poor child last week, not all of them just one so lets ban them. Slogger i think you need to wake up yourself mate. It is individuals not the masses who need sorting :rolleyes:
I think what slogger is trying to say is to ban the evil religion such as brainwashing people to kill, nobody need them & yes, cars do kill but by stupid accident by not being careful.

Banning all religions I would think is too powerful to do, I think it got out of hand now.
Jasy, you fogot, we should Ban people too as they kill!!!

Admins, this is a repeat thread, please lock...There is no place for this type of crap on a decent BB. Intelligent debate is one thinbg, but this bigotry is going way too far.

i agree, post locked
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