freddie, i sat out of a lot of the debates for a long time when they took on this anti muslim edge, and after what happened i could understand it to a certain degree. i hoped the reaction would die down a little and go back to normal healthy arguments, which we all enjoy and take part in. I guess i got to the point of being fed up with lkistening to the ramblings and rantings of one person, which from as far as what i can read are based on sod all but weak, sweeping statements, generalisations and downright offensive remarks. So i decided to ask a few questions, sort of taking part in the argument/debate i suppose. Now as far as i can see it ive asked him a few questions after all the spoutings on he has made, in order to try and see his logic and prove or disprove it. So im sorry if you think im trying to do something clever, i fact thankyou im flattered. All i wanted were some straight forward answers to some straight forward questions.
Yes you are right he has got the right to express his views, as has anyone else on here, however if you are going to start throwing the rules at people, maybe we should all play by them. Arguments are one thing, nasty vindictive racist claptrap being spouted out on a regular basis is another.
Yes you are right he has got the right to express his views, as has anyone else on here, however if you are going to start throwing the rules at people, maybe we should all play by them. Arguments are one thing, nasty vindictive racist claptrap being spouted out on a regular basis is another.