If the home is built after some cut off date, and it has no or non opening windows then the building regulations may require a fan to be fitted with a set run on, but there is nothing about how triggured, there was at one time a requirment to work independent to the lights if there was a window, but that seems to have been dropped.
At one point we were using double pole light switches and pneumatic push buttons, but in real life once the LABC had issued the completion certificate often the fan was turned off at the isolator.
So in real terms unless it is going to be inspected by building control do what suits you, in real terms what we want is for the fan to run as we leave the room don't really want cold drafts while having a shower.
The main reason for the isolator was so if the fan fails, you can turn it off and still have lights.
I favour the simple pneumatic time switch, and that complies with all the regulations, OK in a rented home you as landlord may want to force tenants to use it, but as owner occupier you can make your own mind up as to if required.