Bathroom Light

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I loved it. It's up there with Goodfellas and Taxi Driver as one of Scorsese's best in my opinion. I loved how decadent the lifestyle was and although the main protagonist was an absolute 'bleep' in many ways, you couldn't help but wish him well. I thought the supporting cast were superb in particular Jonah Hill and the woman who played DeCaprios wife. Wow! Now she's a looker to say the least!
I'd never heard of Jonah hill before I saw wolf, but have now watched quite a few of his films. Brilliant actor imo. I recommend 51 jump street.
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Exactly. Now let's forget all about this light business and get to something important. Films. As for Jonah Hill I'd thought of him as a perfectly decent comic actor but what a different side he revealed in WOWS. Great performance. I will check our 21 Jump Street and it's sequel.
April 1 was 14 days ago... this must be a joke?

Who the hell leaves a broken anything in there house 'as-is', let alone when it involves electricity.

How much does the electrician want to come back and swap out the fitting once it's been replaced by Amazon? A million pounds or something?
This is no joke but I'm not going to all the hassle of taking the light down and sending it back, getting a new one and then paying £30 to have it fitted. It works well with two spotlights and during the day you can't even tell it's partially broke. Love always. X
Who the hell leaves a broken anything in there house 'as-is', let alone when it involves electricity.
An idiot who doesn't care if he and/or his family die, just so long as he can watch TV in the meantime.
Here's the light in question. It doesn't look like it's going to kill the family, what? Here's the book I shall be reading. Highly recommended . It explores key moments in films. Wonderful read. X
Right this is my final word on the matter. I do not want to take the light down, send it back to Amazon, buy a new one and have the chap come back out and refit it. My good lady and I are going to live with the two spotlights working as the illumination it provides is fine. My original post was to see if it could be fixed by a layman like myself. It clearly can't so it will remain on the ceiling for about two years and then, when the good lady wants a new one, we will replace it. It isn't dangerous just not working 100%. We can cope with this as we are mavericks who laugh in the face of convention. May I quote from Shakespeare's The Tempest? I can ? Thank you. ( cough, cough, clears throat) 'We are such stuff that dreams are made of and our little life is rounded with a sleep'
What does this have to do with the light? That is open to interpretation. X

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