I've internally insulated my garage conversion using Celotex GA4000. I 've followed the celotex instructions to the letter. So i installed ga4000 boards then i've installed wooden battens on top of the celotex, round the edge and vertically ready for the plasterboard. My only problem i need to solve is fixing a batten across the top of the window.
Initially i thought i could just fix it either end of the lintel but i need some support in the middle of the batten to keep the celotex in place but i would be screwing into a lintel. Does anyone have any ideas on the best method to fix the batten into the lintel. I'm currently using 160mm frame fixings to screw through the batten then the celotex and into the wall, but don't think they will work in lintels.
Initially i thought i could just fix it either end of the lintel but i need some support in the middle of the batten to keep the celotex in place but i would be screwing into a lintel. Does anyone have any ideas on the best method to fix the batten into the lintel. I'm currently using 160mm frame fixings to screw through the batten then the celotex and into the wall, but don't think they will work in lintels.