BBC and Musk

Its just anyone who is not a lefty millionaire, lefty millionaires get a free pass like the eco con man vance. Or the champagne socialists on here who shout needing to distribute wealth whilst sitting in a 1m+ house in a little village, they dont seem to want to distribute their wealth so much.
It was post war tax rises by champagne socialists in the labour party, amongst others, that led to slum clearance in the 1960’s and the building of council houses (which Thatcher promptly sold off at an undervalue to buy votes). The idea that millionaires can only be right wing is mad.
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Its just anyone who is not a lefty millionaire, lefty millionaires get a free pass like the eco con man vance. Or the champagne socialists on here who shout needing to distribute wealth whilst sitting in a 1m+ house in a little village, they dont seem to want to distribute their wealth so much.
More strawman

Nobody is asking to distribute the wealth to all, equally or not

Do you think it's right that somebody in full time employment needs tax credits to live on, whilst the guys at the top take home millions ?

The guy at the top can still be paid ( a little less) millions and his workers a little more and the tax credits could stop. So the burden on the taxpayer reduces and the company isn't subsidised by the tax payer.
Bit like union leaders claiming to have the down trodden workers rights at their forefront whilst picking up six figure salaries and staying in 5 star hotels with massive expense accounts
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Here's 2 for you from the leftie lovey eco nut millionaire the left love so much. Mind you he claims his "share" of taxpayer money too to the tune of millions.
Its just anyone who is not a lefty millionaire, lefty millionaires get a free pass like the eco con man vince. Or the champagne socialists on here who shout needing to distribute wealth whilst sitting in a 1m+ house in a little village, they dont seem to want to distribute their wealth so much.
That's funny. Bikerboy moans about people he thinks are lefties who he thinks are too poor to pay tax. So you RWRs don't want anyone who supports fair tax, whether they are rich or poor.

And you have to use your own imagination to classify anonymous people on the net, because you know nothing.
Capitalism can generate wealth but there is no law in a capitalist system that says the wealth generated has to be shared fairly.

Maybe thats why rules are needed to ensure some sort of fairness in the distribution of that wealth.
Where do we even start with something like that?

Do we set a wealth limit? e.g. an individual can have personal wealth up to $100 million US and anything over and above goes where? Into the general pot to be partly distributed to the masses, many of whom are lazy sods?

Do we limit CEO pay? Do we introduce a maximum limit on the ratio between 'shop floor' and CEO pay? At what level?

Tomorrow, if I invent a method by which vehicles can run on air, a relatively easy method to implement and produce, why shouldn't I become a multi billionaire for my endeavours? Why shouldn't I have the right to be filthy stinking RICH?
Tomorrow, if I invent a method by which vehicles can run on air, a relatively easy method to implement and produce, why shouldn't I become a multi billionaire for my endeavours? Why shouldn't I have the right to be filthy stinking RICH?

That not how rich people generally get rich (er)
That not how rich people generally get rich (er)
So what? I was giving a hypothetical scenario.

Regardless of the method (illegal activity aside) the idea of limiting personal wealth doesn't sit easy with me ... and no I'm not a millionaire or anywhere near. Mind you I do own my own property which some on here would equate to being 'wealthy' as has been discussed in other threads.
Ive never heard of any lefty suggesting that

what people want it a fair wealth distribution, where ordinary working people can afford enough to live on what they earn.

we seem to live in a country where millions of people need tax credits to live -thats not right, thats just subsidising their employers

Before mass immigration, in the 70s for example, they didn't need tax credits or minimum wage. Then they imported large numbers of people to compete and this skewed the job market, driving down wages as employers could pick and choose. Immigration is still increasing and employees struggle to exist on wages kept artificially low and living costs kept artificially high (eg. bogus net zero energy taxes, rents inflated by ever increasing population).
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No, but many want wealth re-distribution one way or another. JohnD probably has his sights set on Duke of Westminsters wealth. Though he is a closet capitalist himself.
Poor old RaC has to make up false stories about people he disagrees with.

He hopes this will prove their views to be wrong.

Bikerboy does the same.
That's funny. Bikerboy moans about people he thinks are lefties who he thinks are too poor to pay tax. So you RWRs don't want anyone who supports fair tax, whether they are rich or poor.

And you have to use your own imagination to classify anonymous people on the net, because you know nothing.
Poor old RaC has to make up false stories about people he disagrees with.

He hopes this will prove their views to be wrong.

Bikerboy does the same.
what nonsense, you spout.

You call "Fair Tax" tax that others have to pay, that you don't pay. To pay for services that you want, that they don't need. Is it called chipping in?

Do you think its fair for One person to have a tax free income allowance and another to have none or to save £60k pension tax free and another only £10k.
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