I quite agree but the facility is there and used
It illustrates the inconsistency which exists though. If the argument is that those who are making use of BBC services should contribute, then why for the last 40 years has it been illegal to watch ITV without a license, but perfectly legal to listen to BBC radio?
I hope no one from big brother realise's this because they will soon add another tax on the motorist if they are.Just think 31 million cars, say £10 a licence a year, £310 million extra in revenue,this economics is easy,are you listening George,Dave, Cleggy?
That was already considered a few years ago under the previous lot, as there was talk of reintroducing a cars-only radio license, but nothing ever came of it.
At one time there was a separate license mandated for a fixed car radio, but a portable set just taken "loose" in one's car was covered by the home license. That was about as ridiculous as the current TV license rules for mobile/second homes and battery-powered portable TV sets.