belt up

11 Jun 2005
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United Kingdom
hi all poshman here been on holiday for 3 weeks ( 2 in turkey) so i have starved myself of questions on all topics, so what can i ask today :?: i know... why do most people put on their driving seal belts on as they pull away in their car :?: is that the best i can do :?: :idea: :idea: yep :)
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I belt up before i even start the engine (mainly cos when i start the engine its early morning and i want to pull away asap so as not to wake the neighbours :evil: ) But the rest of the time, i start the engine, belt up, then pull away.
so you can feel like you Might break the law :eek: :LOL:
whats a seat belt ? dont think my van has one unless that raggy bit of string it is :eek:
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poshman said:
hi all poshman here been on holiday for 3 weeks ( 2 in turkey) so i have starved myself of questions on all topics, so what can i ask today :?: i know... why do most people put on their driving seal belts on as they pull away in their car :?: is that the best i can do :?: :idea: :idea: yep :)

The nearest I can think is that they weren't brought up wearing seatbelts, so for them it is a conscious action. However for someone my age it is second nature. I've even got out of a minicab because it didn't have a seatbelt... Seeing as it was illegal for him to be picking up anyway, I wouldn't have been too keen on my chances if he had a crash!

Why has no-one ever made a seatbelt that is compatible with boobs? Every time I have been on a long drive with girls, they are forever fiddling with their seatbelts. :LOL: Do they go diagonally between them, over the top of them or underneath them?! Doesn't seem to work in any way. That would annoy me so much, I would probably go for a harness instead.
As re-trained by my ADI, I start the engine then put on the belt. Something to do with increasing your chances of getting out if there's a fire...
And what about taxi driver's ? They don't have to wear it do they, stupid or what, specially when they don't get out of their car anyway and blast their hooter to get noticed :rolleyes:
masona said:
And what about taxi driver's ? They don't have to wear it do they, stupid or what, specially when they don't get out of their car anyway and blast their hooter to get noticed :rolleyes:
afaik, you are wrong. Only people doing door-to-doors are exempt from wearing seat belts (definition is stopping 3 times on the same street and not driving more than 5mph or something) eg. picking up betterware catalogues etc! So taxi drivers have to wear seat belts.
ah u have to have been in an accident to appreciate the seat belt i know i would not be here if i didnt have mine on at one time :eek:

some things are just plain common sence but even though the rebel in me says **** no i wont wear it i always do who doesnt ? are u mad
crafty1289 said:
masona said:
And what about taxi driver's ? They don't have to wear it do they, stupid or what, specially when they don't get out of their car anyway and blast their hooter to get noticed :rolleyes:
afaik, you are wrong. Only people doing door-to-doors are exempt from wearing seat belts (definition is stopping 3 times on the same street and not driving more than 5mph or something) eg. picking up betterware catalogues etc! So taxi drivers have to wear seat belts.
Drivers and passengers exempted from wearing seat belts
In certain circumstances, drivers and/or passengers are exempted from wearing seat belts.

Delivery drivers who are making deliveries which involve very frequent stopping, for example postmen when delivering the mail, they should wear a seat belt whilst driving to their rounds. Drivers making infrequent stops are not exempt from wearing seat belts.
It is not necessary to wear a seat belt while making certain manoeuvres in a vehicle, such as when reversing or manoeuvring into a parking space.
A passenger supervising a learner driver when the driver is engaged in certain manoeuvres such as reversing or manoeuvring into a parking space.
Taxi and cab drivers need not wear a seat belt when engaged in their duties.
Fire Service personnel when answering emergency calls and donning operational clothing.
Police drivers when testing a vehicle.
Police when escorting a prisoner.
Mechanics investigating faults when riding as a passenger in a car with a trade plate.
When a seat belt is faulty, the belt should be fixed as soon as possible.
People holding a current exemption certificate on health grounds
I always belt up, I never used to as a matter of course, but in 1998 I was driving along the Embankment on a damp Saturday morning when I had to turn right into Savoy Place, as I did so on a Green Filter light a Guy coming along the Embankment from Westminster went through a Red light at speed and slammed into me.

I was shunted 108ft 4.7" back down the Embankment, I was driving a new Escort Van at the time full of tools and materials...His BMW 535i was smashed to pieces.

It was later calculated he hit me at 68 to 74 mph and the only thing that saved all our lives was that we all had seat belts on.

For my part the Escort had seat belt pre-tensioners and an Air bag, I recieved a couple of broken ribs from my Dewalt battery drill that was on the passenger seat, but otherwise I was shaken but not stired.

The other Guys needed cutting free and were in a pretty bad way, but the fact they had seat belts on saved their lives.

Since this, all vehicles I drive must have an Airbag and I always wear a seatbelt....
FWL_Engineer said:
I recieved a couple of broken ribs from my Dewalt battery drill that was on the passenger seat

A friend once told me how a 2 'D' cell torch from the back parcel shelf missed his head by a whisker in a 60mph crash. It hit the windscreen and kept going.

The moral is obvious, keep your passenger areas clear of clutter, if you're in a van get one of those dog guard thingies.
On "Fifth Gear" they had the skiddy bloke demonstrate what happens with a toolbox in a crash, not good! Also unrestrained rear-seat passengers are not conducive for the front-seat occupants' health. force of a charging elephent, according to the adverts.

It is not necessary to wear a seat belt while making certain manoeuvres in a vehicle, such as when reversing or manoeuvring into a parking space.

I've noticed a difference between the sexes with this one.

If a man is about to reverse his car, he often puts it into reverse, then slaps his left hand behind the passenger seat/headrest and then drives. But women never seem to do the whole "use the seat to keep yourself facing backwards" trick. Also, most women I know take their seatbelts off to reverse as well, must be another boob/seatbelt incompatibility thing... I must pay closer attention in future :eek: :LOL:
Reversing --- Drop your SBs, possibly open door - when reversing Ren-ow the ears will be assailed with Big Ben style chimes drowning out the rev-sensors, pedestrian screams etc ..
Adjust that nearside mirror short range - use the mirrors - remain facing front 'cause this end is gonna swing off line .. a potential kiddie killer.

That is, if you can see your wing / door mirrors ... some serious lapses in design with large fixed quarter (more like half) light door glass when wet or fogged obscuring mirror ! The old electro-widows open / close wipes the movable window not the fixed 1/4 light ... bah!!
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