Best Mousetrap?

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Thank you all for your replies comments, some quite humorous in fact! LOL

I've searched every nook and cranny, filled every little hole/gap, cleaned already clean cupboards/drawers/wardrobes etc and the only signs of droppings are a few in the gas cupboard after I trapped the blighter in there last night. I've sealed so much we are in danger of becoming hermetically sealed in!!!
Managed to buy some of the traditional traps this morning and have baited them with a small piece of chocolate, enough so it has to stand on the trip board to get at it so hopefully tonight when the house goes quiet I shall hear the satisfying 'SNAP' as it is triggered.
Trust the gasman to pick today to come and read the meter! Though we did get chatting and he said where he lives he often gets them this time of year. He too uses the traditional traps and then tips them in the bin, washes the trap and re-sets it.
Gonna put the cat on hold for the time being, see how things go. I love animals but it is so heart breaking when you lose them, don't fancy that again after recently losing a second dog.
Once again thanks for all your replies.
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Its probably a field mouse thats come in out of the cold, choclate coated corn flakes/ coca pops and a humane mose trap has worked for me.

Then let free a few hundred yards away.
Rat poison makes them bleed internally. It's not a humane way to kill them. Just block their entry routes.
Get a proper 50 p wood and spring trap, bait with swiss milk chocolate with little almond bits init (dont forget to set it) about 7.30 pm, pull a cold beer from the fridge, switch your telly on and B4 you can hear the ring come off the can you will hear S N A P ....they love the stuff.
Trouble is after i had killed 6 mice yes the missus and kids too, i found the that the sweet smelling cjocholate had attracted next doors family of rats, never heard of b4 our side of the fence, but they can smell the almonds see.
Caught 1 big bugger he ran to the other end of the loft though b4 he died, a good 30 feet, then caught his missus and 2 kids, heard no more noises in the loft for 2 weeks but left the trap baited with the said choccy; low and behold the effin squirells are now askin for thier share, not knowing i intend to snap there necks (quickly of course),
difference this time i'm gonna eat em, missus kids and all family members i can get me hands on. Squirell pie yummy
This actually worked the first time we tried it, I used a normal chair with a spare length of laminate with my kitchen bin without a binbag in it as a mouse could probably scale a plastic bag

I had my laminate resting on the chair so once the mouse was on the seat part he could then walk into the tube shaped arch thingy I made from an empty cornflake box, get it balance just right so it falls even before it reaches the food, peanut butter seems to be the bate of choice
Thanks for the link EFC. I was trying to get it into a plastic sweet jar last night and considered a tunnel but didn't have an empty kitchen roll.
If the snap trap doesn't work tonight will consider this method tomorrow.
Thanks also for the other comments/ideas.
I'll let you know when I get the blighter.
the odd mouse that we get in winter only used to live or hang about in our coving in the living room, nibbled and actually got through and it was snowing with the polystrene being chewed, now the kids want to know why it's not been back.

It's cold, they do this,don't worry or believe the scare stories.
Take an empty plastic container such as a ice cream tub. Use either peanut butter or chocolate mixed with expanding foam , fill the tub then out the lid back on. Make a small hole to allow the mouse or rat to enter the tub. The rodent eats the foam together with the peanut butter / chocolate. The foam re-activates in the rodents stomach and literaly blows the creature up within a very short period of time. Not exactly everyones cup of tea but very effective. I personaly have no compunction what method I use as long as I get results.
Take an empty plastic container such as a ice cream tub. Use either peanut butter or chocolate mixed with expanding foam , fill the tub then out the lid back on. Make a small hole to allow the mouse or rat to enter the tub. The rodent eats the foam together with the peanut butter / chocolate. The foam re-activates in the rodents stomach and literaly blows the creature up within a very short period of time. Not exactly everyones cup of tea but very effective. I personaly have no compunction what method I use as long as I get results.

So expanding foam expands after it has expanded?
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