You cannot get away from the fact that the plugs are absolutely not designed or recommended to be used on solid cables. Solid cables are designed for a fixed installation, installed with an IDC outlet on the end, then they stay put. Fitted with plugs the cables are expected to allow for some movement. You would not use a solid cored cable on your vacuum cleaner, why expect to get away with a solid cored CAT 5 to your printer or laptop?
None of what you mention above makes a jot of difference. The sharp pins of the plug are intended to pierce the insulation and force their way through the middle of the multiple strands of a flexible cable. Using solid cables in the plugs, means the insulation is pierced, the sharp pin glances past the solid core making a much more tenuous connection than the plug is designed to make. Using miss- matched cable and plugs is hardly a professional way to do any job.