Best PM you have known?



For me it has to be Maggie.

I doubt Britain would have been in this mess if she was PM. She had the vision and foresight that others lack.

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Gordon Brown. Sent the UK bust single handedly. What a man.
For me it has to be Maggie.

I doubt Britain would have been in this mess if she was PM. She had the vision and foresight that others lack.


Couldn't stand the woman...but if she'd been in power instead of Major we wouldn't have stood back and left Saddam in power in the first Gulf War...We would have gone into Bagdhad and sorted him once and for all.The world would be a different place now if she had.
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We are a little insignificant country - not the worlds policeman. We should have stayed out like everyone else did.
We are a little insignificant country - not the worlds policeman. We should have stayed out like everyone else did.
The first gulf war came about because Saddam invaded Kuwait,and Saudi Arabia would have been next.We have to keep in with these oil rich countries to guarantee our supplies of oil.And Saddam was condemned by the United Nations of which we are a member of the security council.
We were obliged to help Kuwait along with many other nations including these who's help is often forgotten..Even neutral Switzerland provided millions of dollars.

Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Honduras, Italy, Morocco, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Korea, Spain, Syria Turkey, The United Arab Emirates, and the United States.

Your comment is 100% correct when it came to the second gulf war though.Thanks to Bush and Blairs idiocy.Don't know about the word insignificant though.
We supplied a disproportionately large number of troops for the two-bit country that we are. How many French were killed?
I only remember one PM doing anything regarding standing up for the Country and that was Thatcher.
All the rest since, have been a bunch of namby pambies or loons!
We supplied a disproportionately large number of troops for the two-bit country that we are. How many French were killed?

I agree with your sentiments just wanted to emphasise it wasn't just us and the Yanks.Although it may as well have been.
Lloyd George :idea: knew my father . Father knew Lloyd George . Joe as usual is Right on the money ;)
Dodgy subjects Politics or Religion, but for what it's worth here's my abridged comment.
During my lifetime the best Prime Minister was Harold Wilson. He stabilised the economy and created employment. He introduced the Open University for the benefit of people who had ability but didn't have the opportunity to attend traditional University.
When President Lyndon Johnson told Wilson that he expected him to send British troops to fight in Vietnam, he told Johnson to take a running jump. Needless to say America was livid and unforgiving.

Harold Wilson introduced a prices & incomes policy to curb inflation and protect jobs. Thatcher used unemployment to stem inflation. To pay the unemployed she squandered our North Sea oil reserves. Furthermore, it was Thatcher who used the ruse of encouraging the unemployed to declare themselves sick and claim incapacity benefit instead of dole, solely to massage the unemployed figures. In her pusuit of Capatilism she sold all the nationlised industries at knock down prices Closd the pits, shut the Steel industry and destroyed communities. She's the worst Prime Minister this country has had.
After helping to destroy our manufacturing base in places like the West Midlands and Sheffield.She encouraged the expansion of the 'City. The day of the Yuppie was born.Relying on banks and financiers to create wealth for the country.
Now we need private enterprise and manufacturing jobs to replace the hundreds of thousands of public sector jobs created by Labour.

Worked a treat 'aint it?

Neither of the main parties score any Brownie points.
There were some very interesting responses!

Maggie appears to be the early front runner.
Best PM I've known was from a young lady offering me her company for the evening.
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