It's true that Maggie comes in for more criticism than she perhaps deserves.
The only thing I really didn't like (as far as I can remember) was when she encouraged the collapse and destruction of the regional ITV system. The 'big five' ITV companies (Central, Granada, London Weekend, Thames and Yorkshire) each produced high-quality programmes (and admittedly the occasional crap) and each tended to have an individual flavour of programme which, in my opinion, made things more interesting.
Then things began to deteriorate. Thames, perhaps the most productive of the big five, was replaced by Carlton which I don't remember having actually produced any programmes let alone any of quality. Next, Granada and Carlton between them began to take over all the other 15 ITV companies, and finally Granada took the lot (with the exception of Scottish Television and Ulster TV, both of which still exist). Increasingly, programmes were made by independent TV companies and paid for by ITV,
Now, with the occasional excellent programme such as Downton Abbey, the output of ITV is dire. There is no longer any regional flavour except for, I suppose, regional news programmes.
I'm sure there were financial considerations that persuaded her to do the deed, but I'm sure we lost more than we gained.