binder question

13 Jan 2025
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United Kingdom
hello I have binder in loft but I wanna know what it does?

If it supports joists then why is it sitting on top of the joists on the other direction?

It is skew-nailed to the tops of the josts, The binder itself will be supported either by being built into a wall, or suspended by timber hangers from a higher beam, such as a purlin, or even the ridge.
yes but what does binder actually do? why it's sitting on top of joist?

If it sitting below joist then maybe I think of a reason it holds joists but why is it top?
Thank u
thank you and no thanks because I still don't get it how does it prevent sag?
Binders are usually there to help hold up the ceiling joists and keep them straight and parallel if there isn't a binder then the joists will sag and cause cracks in the ceiling.

It's not rocket science.
It’s holding the joists up. They’re nailed to the underside of it. As someone said above, the nails are skewed (which means at an angle) so they won’t pull out. Any good?
yes but what does binder actually do? why it's sitting on top of joist?
It does what it says on the tin - i.e. binds them together. On their own they are more likely to flex. When bound together, each joist will gain adventitious strength from the neighbouring joist. A similar thing happens when solid bridging is used between floor joists.

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