Birmingham drunks not in prison yet

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Look jd yer knight in shining armour has arrived on the scene. :ROFLMAO:
Get yer cacks down.
The judiciary is often more liberal than left wing, and as most 17 year olds nowadays are well used to alcohol, this shouldn't be an issue, but I'm sure the judge will be lenient.
I always thought this country was more about rehab than just punishment when it came to the length of the sentence.

Or of course that our prisons are full.....? :)
No, dead wrong Blighty. The social workers think that if they're nice to the crims, it'll show them a better way of life, and they'll change their bad ways. The judges feel benevolent, and are poor judges of character, so don't bother handing out sentences, and just use the directive of full jails to justify their decisions. The police give out cautions so that they can hit their targets, and don't bother that it shows the crims that they can get away with blue murder; but are happy to blame us if a criminal breaks in, because we obviously made it too easy for them. We're the lowest rung of the food ladder, and have to deal with all the carp dumped on us by those who think they know better than we do.

Now you can accuse me of being cynical, but I'm just not sure whether we should bring back capital punishment, national service, or harsher jail time.
You are cynical.

Also a miserable grumbling old RWR.
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