To decide buy, hold or sell any thing you have to be able to understand the fundamentals. Unfortunately unlike any business, bit coins are fundamentally worth nothing. Normal currencies are worth what you can buy with them, but when only 1% of the currency is used for buying things it becomes impossible to assign any meaningful value.
At least it's used to buy something, if it wasn't used to buy anything at all it would literally be a text book pyramid scheme. In actual fact it's only mostly a pyramid scheme and slightly a currency. Even currencies can crash much easier than business with actual assets. Gold doesn't crash much at all. Land too.
All markets suffer from actors being unable to value the things objectively accurately, hence boom and bust. With bit coin the problem is worse so the boom and bust will be worse.
Bit coin is not low, it's just lower. Low would be 0£ each.
There's some sage advice on the old saying "when the bloke down the pub is advising to invest, it's time to get out"