Blacks, statues, history, sticking heads in sand, whites, etc, etc

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go on then explain to me what the meaning of the speech bubble that said "I cant breathe"

The meaning of the speech bubble is that Winston Churchill has been put inside a box and can't breathe. Yes, it's funny.
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So your assertion and (JohnD's) is just a plain-out lie.
No you are a liar

what a disgusting individual you are trying to claim the speech bubble was not referring to George Floyd.
The meaning of the speech bubble is that Winston Churchill has been put inside a box and can't breathe. Yes, it's funny.
you keep digging that hole.

Ceres thinks its funny that George Floyds last words were "I cant breathe"
No you are a liar

what a disgusting individual you are trying to claim the speech bubble was not referring to George Lloyd.

Who is George Lloyd?

I'm sure if you care to search the forum, you will find this written a week ago:

"No, it's not. A man was murdered in America by a group of rogue Police. It will be dealt with in America by the appropriate authorities. A wrong done in America does not give licence for a wrong to be done here."

Who wrote that?
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What a duo of halfwit imbecils with the scope of sensationalist rugamuffins.
To think that they're invited in people's home to do work makes my aching spine shiver.
Poor people who come across them in real life.
Who is George Lloyd?

I'm sure if you care to search the forum, you will find this written a week ago:

"No, it's not. A man was murdered in America by a group of rogue Police. It will be dealt with in America by the appropriate authorities. A wrong done in America does not give licence for a wrong to be done here."

Who wrote that?
No idea don't agree with the first sentence but i do the latter.
Who is George Lloyd?

I'm sure if you care to search the forum, you will find this written a week ago:

"No, it's not. A man was murdered in America by a group of rogue Police. It will be dealt with in America by the appropriate authorities. A wrong done in America does not give licence for a wrong to be done here."

Who wrote that?

you know perfectly well what the image meant.
You can't help yourself can you.
you cant handle the truth either then
Go on then, give me another explanation for the meaning of the joke?

The joke is implicitly making fun of George Floyd, I expressed it explicitly and people get upset.
Thats it

interesting how you are upset with me for telling the truth not the other 3 who all blatantly lied.

you know perfectly well what the image meant.

No deflection. I said very clearly over a week ago what I thought of the original incident.

The image is of a statue in a box which as been grafittied. It was mildy funny. Get over yourself, you sanctimonious twerp.
The picture was depicting irony. It wasn't making fun of George loyd.

I liked it because I felt it projected the hypocrisy that is shown by this whole movement.

The black lives matter movement is just an excuse for thuggery and violence, this was proved at the weekend, but conveniently the msm have gone strangely quiet. Instead choosing to call the peaceful protest extreme right and racist.

But they don't use the same for the extreme left of the previous week, destroying things causing violence.

There was even a couple of white guys stabbed because they found themselves in the wrong place by accident. One guy got his throat slit by a black man and then was set upon by a group of BLM. Activists, and then the video was shared on social media. This has conveniently not been published In the media. As it doesn't fit their or your narrative.

Stop getting your nickers in a twist, grow up and accept the world doesn't have to bow down to your superiority.

Instead of asking me why I liked the post you instantly dismissed me as racist, there is more to life and thoughts other than the colour of one's skin.

Think of it like art for an example, each person will see a different prospective from that of which is shown by the artist.

Hope you enjoyed your 5 minutes of superiority.
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