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Conservatives favourite candidate for next Party Leader is somebody called "None of the above."
Yep good long as it's someone with a spine i think alot of people will be happy. Preferably someone able to think on their feet, someone with presence... vision, intellect. All of these that bumbling geography teacher lacks.
I reckon Abbot should be the PM :cool:

Her talents wasted at the home office ;) let's face it she has a grasp of the actual
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Thats right :LOL:
Yes, it is.
As I was saying, I'm more surprised with attention directed at such a loathsome man. Why are Tory bots bothering wasting their breath? Next thing you know there will be a Tory sycophant dredging up some right wing True Blue biased Corbyn bashing waffle....oh look what fest has found.
Yes, it is.
As I was saying, I'm more surprised with attention directed at such a loathsome man. Why are Tory bots bothering wasting their breath? Next thing you know there will be a Tory sycophant dredging up some right wing True Blue biased Corbyn bashing waffle....oh look wat fest has found.

Where is the sycophant? Who do you think i would vote next GE? At least i am honest and critcial of all of them? Anything pointing out your hero has faults is waffle, i understand that, its ok.
Yes, it is.
As I was saying, I'm more surprised with attention directed at such a loathsome man. Why are Tory bots bothering wasting their breath? Next thing you know there will be a Tory sycophant dredging up some right wing True Blue biased Corbyn bashing waffle....oh look what fest has found.

I've got to say Nose, I find it really ironic you use the phrase 'tory bots' while continually mentioning Corbyn. I suppose that makes you a Corbyn Bot?

Pro tip: Calling one the other and quoting polls doesn't win elections :sneaky:

I don't believe in polls either. Truth be told I do like a bet on politics, tend to see how social media sings and go with my gut. While I've only put a few political bets on I'm yet to have a loser.

My gut isn't with Corbyn... Yet.
I reckon Abbot should be the PM :cool:

Her talents wasted at the home office ;) let's face it she has a grasp of the actual


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