Bloody Brexit

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Some more bad news for himagin and johnd the number of countries looking to trade with us is up to 27 now, this brexit thing's going from bad to worse. :mrgreen:
That's really weird.
The Daily Express quotes such figures as this:
According to reports 27 countries with a combined GDP of more than £40 trillion - over two thirds of the global economy - now want to take advantage of Brexit and strike new trade deals with the UK.


At least two of the countries listed in the Daily Express include countries in the EU, who are not allowed to make their own trade deals.
The countries which want a deal with the UK are Australia, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Ghana, Iceland, India, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Switzerland, the United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Perhaps you'd be good enough to point out to the Daily Express that they're talking utter nonsense?
Which you believed, 'cos it's in the papers. :rolleyes:
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Yet the IMF, World Bank and UN say that the global GDP is only about $70M

Is M the recognised abbreviation for trillion in your world?

Please be more careful in future, you cupboard.
You can only get to "over two thirds of the world economy" if you include USA, EU, and PRC.

Which we already trade with.

Unless the Daily Express had previously claimed that trade with them would stop after a Brexit (it is not a claim I have heard anybody make), then their announcement seems to be "Britain will probably eventually negotiate trade deals with all the countries it already trades with, although nobody knows the terms of those deals."

Is that supposed to be news to anyone?

Is it in some way supposed to be an improvement?
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Is that supposed to be news to anyone?
It will be news to all the dheads who believed the project fear lies that our world would end economically the day after brexit.
Is it in some way supposed to be an improvement?
Seeing as the EU prohibits us from making trade deals of our own I would say it is actually yes.
Whether we need to make trade deals is a different story, as long as they are only "trade" deals without any of the other b*ll*x the EU try to insist on that would be fair enough. This TTIP deal the EU an the yanks are going for doesn't sound good, I hope we can fck that one off.
At least two of the countries listed in the Daily Express include countries in the EU, who are not allowed to make their own trade deals.
Perhaps those countries are thinking a bit further ahead than you. :rolleyes:
So, you weren't actually thinking about it at the time?
At least I have the ability to realise when I've made a mistake, the honesty to admit to it, the sense not to continue to waffle some more in the hope of digging myself out of a hole, and the decency not to resort to excremental accusations.

The fact still remains that the article was nonsense because it contained some nonsensical claims, i.e. that Germany and Ireland could negotiate trade deals with UK!
At least two of the countries listed in the Daily Express include countries in the EU, who are not allowed to make their own trade deals.
Perhaps those countries are thinking a bit further ahead than you. :rolleyes:
What, like waiting to see what kind of exit deal UK gets before considering their own referendum?
Yet the IMF, World Bank and UN say that the global GDP is only about $70M

Is M the recognised abbreviation for trillion in your world?

Please be more careful in future, you cupboard.
Fair comment, and I've amended my post accordingly.
I misread the Wikipedia table.
You're a t*t
At least I have the ability to realise when I've made a mistake, the honesty to admit to it, the sense not to continue to waffle some more in the hope of digging myself out of a hole, and the decency not to resort to excremental accusations.

The fact still remains that the article was nonsense because it contained some nonsensical claims, i.e. that Germany and Ireland could negotiate trade deals with UK!
At least two of the countries listed in the Daily Express include countries in the EU, who are not allowed to make their own trade deals.
Perhaps those countries are thinking a bit further ahead than you. :rolleyes:
What, like waiting to see what kind of exit deal UK gets before considering their own referendum?
I doubt that, all of the mainstream political parties throughout Europe with a few exceptions are fully committed to railroading their people into this European super state project with all it entails. But anyone can see that the people are now waking up to what's going on, and see how much trouble this dammed project is now in. So a little forward planning would be prudent on their behalf.
At least I have the ability to realise when I've made a mistake, the honesty to admit to it, the sense not to continue to waffle some more in the hope of digging myself out of a hole, and the decency not to resort to excremental accusations.
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