Blown Circuit

Sounds like the safest thing would be to not dissuade him from having an 8.5kW load on a 5A fuse...
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For 1.25mm (13 amp) flex to be properly protected, it MUST always be wired through a 13amp Fused Connection Unit, in such a way as to be protected throughout its length, in order to comply with BS7671:2001.
well the niceic said that 2x2.5mm cable runs from a 32A breaker too distant fcus was fine

only SHORT CUIRCUIT protection has to be at the start of the cable
overcurrent protection can be at the destination end

this is what the recs do with service cables and is perfectly safe
dingbat said:
securespark said:

I see this all the time...

Trouble is it's not just the cowboys it's the customers as well. I'm going out shortly to try and convince a potential client that running a (8.5kW)shower off a five-amp BS3036 fuse is simply not going to work. Having seen another of his houses (oh no, Asian landlord alert) I just know, from what he's said, that there will be absolutely no bonding anywhere and probably an undersized main earth conductor. Chances are there will be many additional sockets, added willy-nilly and he will have put in multiple-lamp luminaires everywhere, downlighters and all kinds of sh*t. As for RCD's...

He's a real tightwad and I don't expect he'll accept my quote for doing it right. I'm taking a copy of the regs with me this time, along with some information about the forthcoming changes to building regs and a reminder of his obligations to his tenants.

You know, I almost hope he turns me down then one of his tenants fries in the shower... (Sorry, but, you know what it's like sometimes!)
and if the tenant that fries is asian aswell then that'll be alright will it?
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Don't look for politics that aren't there.

Cliches are usually cliches because the weight of evidence holds them to be true in a sufficiently large proportion of cases. In our politically correct world it's such a shame we can't employ certain images for fear of being branded, but the instance I cited is, while not universal, typical. If you want to take offence, kendor, then that's entirely up to you.

And that's all I will say on the matter.
It was the generalisation dingbat "oh no Asian Landlord Alert" as if Asian Landlords are worse than any other ones. Why pick on one race to make your point?
in poorer countrys they don't have such strict safety regs

hence people brought up in those countrys and/or with parents brought up in those countrys are less inclined to follow our strict safety regs

people get rigtly ****ed of when groups of foreigners can put in much lower estimates because they don't spend money on following the safety regulations
In my experience that applies to Landlords in general! and i'm not saying all are like it , just that I've come across a lot of stingy ones of all sorts of creed.
plugwash said:
well the niceic said that 2x2.5mm cable runs from a 32A breaker too distant fcus was fine

only SHORT CUIRCUIT protection has to be at the start of the cable
overcurrent protection can be at the destination end

this is what the recs do with service cables and is perfectly safe

Service Cables are made of Aluminium, which is of lower melting point - this is because a service cable is designed to MELT under short circuit overload conditions, with the soil quenching the arc - I have seen many 4mm service cables to street lights that been destroyed by an overload or short circuit, caused by a knock down by a car, shorting out the connections.

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