Boat illegals up under Labour.

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I'm sure they'd spring in to life if the illegal's were turned back at the territorial limit
We have already established that is not legal

Proti Patel tried introducing legislation to protect border force from prosecution.

So far you’ve not come up with any counter argument
We deal with our own homeless first, the ex-service men and women, the homeless, those having to rough sleep - first. How about putting them in hotels, with three squares per day?
Great idea.

But you keep voting for Tory governments that keep on cutting public services and whose policies keep on increasing wealth inequality.
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It is already. Hop off a boat straight to a hotel.
Where do you think the 1100+ migrants that have arrived in the last 3 days have gone - are they putting them up in tents in a field somewhere? They were probably handed over mid-channel. Does anyone know how Kiers plan to "smash the gangs" is going - has it started yet - if not, any idea when it will do?

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Where do you think the 1100+ migrants that have arrived in the last 3 days have gone
All sorts of places. The idea that they all automatically go to four star hotels, with added benefits, is just racist propaganda.

All sorts of places. The idea that they all automatically go to four star hotels, with added benefits, is just racist propaganda.

Yeah. According to that link. If no places available in hotels, they are placed in private furnished accommodation. Do you reckon they pinch themselves to make sure they are not dreaming when they walk past our homeless on the streets on the way to their warm and dry hotels/private houses?
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