I am pleased that Which? have decided to drop testing of boilers and sample their readers instead. Their findings are very similar to ours.
Intergas and the like will never appear on Which? until they achieve a significant installed base in the UK.
You should check how Which? works. It's all about how much can you're prepared to give them.
My experiences with a significant installed base going back 15 years is different
That gives the plastic shyte more credit than anything else they or Which? can come up with.
Intergas also insinuate they were the first in making a boiler without a diverter valve
Not quite. They claim their best exchanger is the first of its type. Which when you look at the boiler's you reference to, and the IG heat engine you'll see.
ATAG were being pushed on this forum for some years by a few enthusiasts (yourself included I think) but those models for domestic use were quietly pushed aside this year,
Again, you need to look into things a little more closely. The A series will be around for a fair bit longer, and even then, the new Atag is just dressed in frilly knickers to hide the same Muff