What next ?
(from wikihe term has featured in political controversies. Alan Clark, while Conservative Member of Parliament for Plymouth Sutton, once, in a departmental meeting, allegedly referred to Africa as "Bongo Bongo Land".[1][2] When called to account, however, by then Prime Minister John Major, Clark denied the comment had any racist overtones, claiming it had simply been a reference to the President of Gabon, Omar Bongo.[3]
However the point he was trying to get across is well worthy of discussion but the media and George Galloway just want to score points!!
Why the "L" should we give millions away when there are more worthy causes on our doorstep?
And YES! There are thousands dying of malnutrition, and there will be even more next year because we are making the situation worst, start giving them contraceptives, THE HUMAN RACE IS NOT ON THE ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST!! (the last time I looked)
So you're basically saying that "tough love" is needed. I must admit that watching the occasional bit of daytime TV is becoming increasingly irritating - in particular the number of adverts asking me to sponsor a child, a tiger, a well, a yak or whatever. I'd be more inclined to sponsor a pack of contraceptives and a few cheap TV's and power supplies to give these johnny foreigners something to do in an evening other than copulating.I completely agree. The more money/food we sent to Bongo Bongo land, the more children they will have and the greater the problem will be.
Why can't the do-gooders see the flaw in their naive philosophy?