Bongo Bongo

Whilst we have been 'doing good', the standard of living for many in this country has fallen.
Give over.

One aspect that comes immediately to mind is longer waiting lists for admission to NHS wards and poorer care when an inpatient.

And what about pensioners having to choose between heating and eating?
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The naivety of the folk on this forum astonishes me.

British ministers and diplomats spend their entire lives negotiating deals with countries in Bongo Bongo; the agreement will go something like:

British ambassador: "Look Mr Bongo, we'd like to keep that air base going in your territory / it's terribly important that you allow us to operate our (fill in the blank) in your country / would you mind if our SAS boys dropped in next week for a chat with Ali your bomb-maker?"

Mr Bongo: "Why yes of course, that ten mill you sent us un-audited last month for education is proving so useful for my next election campaign...."
Never mind Bongo :- Bingo is a Mecca for plebs :mrgreen: