Booze Up

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Only cos your namby-pamby Lancashire guts can't stand proper Yorks. ale.... ;)
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Kev would probably like some company on the plane......

.......which will arrive.....

.when I least expect it to......since.....

he isnt the most patient bloke......and his last words....were

...nuff said....and he has "threatened" to call up saying....pick me up from the airport......

ya'll can come house isnt big enough....but there's lots of space around...
...word of warning...toilet seat WONT stay up by itself....and btw ninebob...he didnt forget....just 'things' came up..

....and he always speaks highly of you.........also others on here...i cant keep the names straight...sorry guys...mere mortal and all that...woman to boot ... :LOL: ....excited and terrified all in one :LOL: :LOL: :eek: :eek: :LOL:
hermes said:
gcol said:
More than likely.....we're more refine in Lancashire you see. Sometimes we even cook meat! :eek:

You've discovered meat??? :eek:
Yerrr. Sumtymes a suvvern ritch mon cums up ere in wun o'dose karts we naw mule, un runs o'er a boar oer peasant burd. Den we pik tup n put ton fier. Den weez eets t'all up. Iz reet gradely jackbit thanos.
gcol said:
hermes said:
gcol said:
More than likely.....we're more refine in Lancashire you see. Sometimes we even cook meat! :eek:

You've discovered meat??? :eek:
Yerrr. Sumtymes a suvvern ritch mon cums up ere in wun o'dose karts we naw mule, un runs o'er a boar oer peasant burd. Den we pik tup n put ton fier. Den weez eets t'all up. Iz reet gradely jackbit thanos.

gcol said:
Yerrr. Sumtymes a suvvern ritch mon cums up ere in wun o'dose karts we naw mule, un runs o'er a boar oer peasant burd. Den we pik tup n put ton fier. Den weez eets t'all up. Iz reet gradely jackbit thanos.
Really? :eek:
and what happened after that? :confused:
Den weez duz t'washin oop. Den weez goez afturt ritch suvvern mon, oooz diggin ut t'oliday in. Weez wunts ta mek im pey fot killun ma boer. Ize karnt tel as t'wot weez du ta im, cuz isel git n bova. ;)
gcol said:
Den weez duz t'washin oop. Den weez goez afturt ritch suvvern mon, oooz diggin ut t'oliday in. Weez wunts ta mek im pey fot killun ma boer. Ize karnt tel as t'wot weez du ta im, cuz isel git n bova. ;)

Just had a look on babelfish, and there is no option to translate Lancastrian into Yorkshire. Can't understand a word you're saying. Bleeding foreigners :LOL:
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