
interesting opinions among the voters.. I expected more people to think he was wrong.
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Its getting more like Trump every day.

There is no moral compass.

Sadly we will reap what we sow.
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I was interested in a commentary that said the Supreme Court had no option.

If they'd said "It's OK for a Prime Minister to close down Parliament in order to do something that Parliament will not accept" then what would happen next time?

Parliament is the supreme power in the UK. Not the government. Not the Prime Minister. The court was not going to overturn that. Even if Ree-Smogg hoped they would.

I'm sure the judges found it easier because Buffoon's wrongdoing was apparent to all; and because nobody in Government (least of all him) was prepared to sign an affidavit asserting that the purpose of proroguing was anything other than to frustrate the will of Parliament.

If they had done, they would have been open to cross-examination.

The penalties for perjury can be severe.

Buffoon and his buddies didn't dare.

Subsequent to the court case, Buffoonists have been complaining that the effect is to prevent Buffoon overriding the will of Parliament. The very thing that they claim was not the purpose of proroguing.

Is anyone on this forum unaware of the Supremacy of Parliament?
Its getting more like Trump every day.

There is no moral compass.

Sadly we will reap what we sow.

It's not a coincidence nor accident.

No. It's right wing politics in full flow.


Watching Johnson in the commons this evening and Gove earlier made me realise the UK has entered a new period of politics.

Shocking isn't it boys?, still, you had your chance, if only your lot had voted for Theresa Mays BRINO deal. Too late now.
Shocking isn't it boys?, still, you had your chance, if only your lot had voted for Theresa Mays BRINO deal. Too late now.

Remainers did vote for Theresa Mays deal.

The hardline Brexiteers in the Tory party are the ones that have thwarted democracy and prevented the deal going through.

Why do say it is too late?
The only deal possible before Oct 31 is the May deal with small tweaks.

For all the bluster and unlawful antics by Buffoon, he has achieved no more than Theresa May, which all intelligent people knew would be the case.
Well why doesn't Parliament vote for an election if they are so unhappy with Boris

According to your chart Tories would get 247 seats.
Doesnt sound like a majority to me.

Perhaps you need to go back to the drawing board.

Have you though of a single benefit of Brexit yet?

I can, it will makes the poor areas that voted for it, worse off.
Oh Ireland a remain area will be worst hit.

Its true, ignorance makes people poorer
You are assuming 80 Conservative remain seats will be lost and when Labour finally come out and declare they back remain, they won't lose any of their 148 leave seats. Seems like the same logic that says, if you add up all the loser parties you get a strong remain alliance or the majority didn't vote Brexit. Why did MPs vote to trigger Article 50 by a very large majority? Seems to me like the remainer MPs are the ones who have been deceiving the public..

Voting to Leave the EU, with every intention of blocking it? Seems a bit disingenuous. If it was BJ they'd be baying liar at him.
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