Boundary Advice Needed

Once again thanks UKMICKY

I will bring this up with the solicitor and arrange a meeting this week if possible, if this is the case then it would be good news for us.

Thanks - I will let you know when we hear anything from him.
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We have spoken with and received letters from the Solicitor and after mailing him some more pics we got this reply.

We intend to fence the land off as soon as we get a gate made.
Thanks again to those that replied & UKMICKY you would make a good solicitor.

Thank you for yours of 17th Febraury with photographs that are very helpful.

By fencing and gating your access in the position shown on your photograph by the white line will certainly prohibit Miss @@@@'s Tenant from accessing the house with a car, if there is only six feet available between your boundary and the far boundary of number 61.

It is clear from the photographs that there has been vehicular traffic over your land in that vicinity and, in the absence of a legal easement of way over your land it may be difficult for Miss @@@@ to substantiate that one has been acquired by long user. Certainly if you fence your boundary that will bring matters to a head!

The alternative would be to stop short of your boundary and invite Miss @@@@ to enter into a Licence Deed allowing her and her Tenants to cross the restricted part of your land, such Licence to be brought to an end on prior notice by you to her.

If I can help further do let me know.

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