ok new problem now..rear boundary line?
what do i do re getting my boundary line problem resolved
see photos please on my profile
the old concrete posts with wire line ( original council line/boundary fence) were on my side of this block wall.. that i think the previous neighbour next door built. and since then the conrete posts /wire fence have gone? but stumps are buried in my garden along the edge of the wall.
So ok around 3 years ago! my now current neighbour and i were talking re stuff you know cars and women and football, over the wall as neighbours do.. and i asked the question" who's wall is this? is it mine or yours" to him, and he said it must be mine as it is on the left side of my garden!
So upon looking re party wall line to plan the conservatory footing and placement, i find the party wall is 9" inside the line of the old original concrete council posts ( centre of the concrete post) and 11" inside the inner surface of mine/his block wall ( the one he said " i guess, must be mine")
so now the question is this..
Do I build to the outer edge of the conservatory up to the center line of my party wall to oblige usual planning rules? in general. or do i build it upto the centre point of the original conrete posts? which as still there ( broken off under ground )
Is this the original Center Boundary Line?
so to remove a 3" dead space, or +9" = a total of 11" dead space as this is from my partywall- to his block wall surface wich wil be unusable space for both of us. and plan to make it usable and whoevers
should i ask him this and get a letter signed for by him and myself in writing?
that he can have the block wall back, and have full ownership of this wall. and I have the 3" from center point of old conrete post towards the surface of his block wall? or the full 11" from my party wall center line up to the surface of the BlockWall.
whilst also leaving me with the ownership/ responsability of the downpipe of the jointly used main house guttering ( which as it happens! is right in the centre point of the old council concrete post line ) so having him have the wall.. i have the 3" ( or 11" if i am not meant to go by the old concrete fence posts ) of land ( lol .. only 3" i know but I am trying to get this all sorted now and not a year down the line ok )
and he losses nothing to what he has had since he bought the house, and we also have what was always there when we too bought our house.
but it means we can draw a line under the whole issue.
can we do this, privately.. with a letter we both sign? any advice on all of the above is urgent also on a format of a letter
i have added photos to my profile i think lol, or they might be here if i have done it right
i think my questions are these..
1. is it legal for me to build upto the original council conrete post line. when it is out by 9" from center party house wall
2. is it my land and block wall since he said the block wall must be mine? As he has given me a Verbal "Agreed Boundary"
3. can i/should i only build along the center line of the joint party wall of the house itself. to avoid issues in the future
4. should i just move and live in a tent lol
5. what ever answers i must go with is fine, but how and where can i go and what should i do to have this in writing?
you will see in the photo black lines on the brickwork..
this is as you look at it
the line on the left is the internal wall surface of our party wall, and the line on the right side is the center line of the party wall brick itself
the square object on the right is the original conrete post stub, and the elbow/curved clay pipe is the downpipe runoff for the guttering downpipe which goes directly into the top right corner of the photo
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