boy bomber

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... and apparently, these kids aren't the cherished cherubs of some caring family.... they're either orphans, or mentally deficient, and brainwashed and coersed into these awful actions.....

If the guys fighting this cause believe that being a live human being is an irritation on the way to their matyrdom.... why send kids to their death instead of topping themselves?
If the guys fighting this cause believe that being a live human being is an irritation on the way to their matyrdom.... why send kids to their death instead of topping themselves?

cos they aint got the guts :idea:
you are an idiot billyo, the taliban are a paramilitary force based in afganistan. they run that country, and they are made up of afghanis.
The media were suggesting the taliban were made up of insurgents from all over the place and not just afganis, is that not true then peteftw?
absolutely the taliban are an international presence

though the afgans were fighting with us, and the bombers were all foreign fighters, also though all the ALLIES were trying to drive them out of afganastan so the people could have there country back.
the afgan people are not at war with us are they , so why call taliban afgans

but the afgan people are not waiting patiently for the west to liberate them
though the afgans were fighting with us, and the bombers were all foreign fighters, also though all the ALLIES were trying to drive them out of afganastan so the people could have there country back.
the afgan people are not at war with us are they , so why call taliban afgans

From Wikipedia.

The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان ṭālibān, also anglicised as Taleban; translation: "students") is a Sunni Islamist, predominately Pashtun movement[3] that ruled most of Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, when its leaders were removed from power by Northern Alliance and NATO forces. Following this it regrouped and since 2004 it has made a strong revival as an insurgency movement[4][5] fighting a protracted guerrilla war against the current government of Afghanistan, allied NATO forces participating in Operation Enduring Freedom, and the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).[6] No longer operating only in Afghanistan, it is based in the Frontier Tribal Areas of Pakistan.[7]

The Taliban movement is headed by Mullah Mohammed Omar. Mullah Omar's original commanders were "a mixture of former small-unit military commanders and Madrasah teachers,"[8] and the rank and file made up mostly of Afghan refugees who had studied at Islamic religious schools in Pakistan. The overwhelming majority of the Taliban movement were ethnic Pashtuns from southern Afghanistan and western Pakistan, along with a smaller number of volunteers from Islamic countries or regions in North Africa, the Middle East and the former Soviet Union.
The Teleban know our billions will only last so long and are biding their time sniping and mining here and there wearing our forces and our will down.
Another few years will see them victorious and our billions all gone.
The Teleban know our billions will only last so long and are biding their time sniping and mining here and there wearing our forces and our will down.
Another few years will see them victorious and our billions all gone.

We don't need the Taliban to get rid of our dosh, Gordon and the banks are way way in front on that one. :LOL:
The Afghan fighters don't have a lot of kit. Most have an old AK47 and some spare clips, no rations, no field hospitals, no state of the art comms system, no air cover, no armour worth talking about. What they do have is years of experience of fighting foreign invaders. They strike and then fade away like shadows in the night.

they have better kit than a few old ak47s.

Maybe so, but you get my point.

We have a huge infrastructure to our military, they don't.
The Teleban have a huge infrastructure also at their disposal.
It's called Afghanistan. ;)
Even the mighty Red army succummed to its deadliness , as will one day our own forces. :rolleyes:
now boys peteftw knows best he always knows best ,the rest of us have got it wrong :eek: peteftw knows best :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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