Breaking down fences, throwing rocks, demanding entry ......

These economic migrants chose this course of action,
You describe them as economic migrants because it suits your prejudice to allay your conscience.
Would you be ashamed of your inhumanity if you accepted that the vast majority were genuine refugees?
Every one else describes them as refugees:
Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia: more than half of the refugees on the planet come from one of these three countries plagued and undermined by years of war and violence.

There are more than a million migrants in EU:
More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, sparking a crisis as countries struggled to cope with the influx, and creating division in the EU over how best to deal with resettling people.
But there are 5 million refugees from Syria and Afghanistan alone:
Sadly, as in the past 33 years, Afghanistan remains the country with the most refugees (2,56 million). However, this year it is likely to be overtaken by the number of Syrian refugees, who constituted a total of 2,47 million in 2013; this number has not stopped growing.
Now what proportion do you suggest are economic migrants?
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Twist it, turn it - show what links you like. Imo the majority are economic migrants.
They are economic migrants the second they start country shopping, demanding, bleating and moaning.

They are also experts at using (what women and children there are...!!) as propaganda to suit their own ends.
Planks like you fall for it.

I don't want them and don't care if I say so.
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Twist it, turn it - show what links you like. Imo the majority are economic migrants.
They are economic migrants the second they start country shopping, demanding, bleating and moaning.

They are also experts at using (what women and children there are...!!) as propaganda to suit their own ends.
Planks like you fall for it.

I don't want them and don't care if I say so.
Nicely avoided answering the question:
Now what proportion do you suggest are economic migrants?

I appreciate that by refusing to confront the question it suitably allays your conscience.
It's more a case of I can't be bothered to debate it with you, as neither of us will move on the subject, so becomes a pointless exercise.. And feel free to take that how you wish, adding your usual sarcastic comments.

I could spend all night giving you links to videos and articles showing their disgraceful behaviour in countries that have tried to help.
Take just Sweden and Germany, they extended the hand of friendship, whilst many of the immigrants extended their hands down women's knickers in return.
I don't want one of these people here thanks...
You can go and feel free to join them in Calais.......
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It's more a case of I can't be bothered to debate it with you, as neither of us will move on the subject, so becomes a pointless exercise.. And feel free to take that how you wish, adding your usual sarcastic comments.

I could spend all night giving you links to videos and articles showing their disgraceful behaviour in countries that have tried to help.
Take just Sweden and Germany, they extended the hand of friendship, whilst many of the immigrants extended their hands down women's knickers in return.
I don't want one of these people here thanks...
You can go and feel free to join them in Calais.......

It would appear boys are seen as fair game to be assaulted too. Public swimming baths in Germany seem to be a hunting ground. So much so they are having to segregate the sexes/ ban migrants or have patrols in the baths women in their fiftis have been targets too.
It's more a case of I can't be bothered to debate it with you, as neither of us will move on the subject, so becomes a pointless exercise.. And feel free to take that how you wish, adding your usual sarcastic comments.

I could spend all night giving you links to videos and articles showing their disgraceful behaviour in countries that have tried to help.
Take just Sweden and Germany, they extended the hand of friendship, whilst many of the immigrants extended their hands down women's knickers in return.
I don't want one of these people here thanks...
You can go and feel free to join them in Calais.......

It would appear boys are seen as fair game to be assaulted too. Public swimming baths in Germany seem to be a hunting ground. So much so they are having to segregate the sexes/ ban migrants or have patrols in the baths women in their fiftis have been targets too.
Don't worry mate, Himmy will be along later to defend them in some weird way, or pretend it's just the odd one or two and it's not really happening.
Anyway, I thought that any thoughts toward the same sex resulted in being forcibly tossed off a tall building?, or are thoughts toward little boys excluded????
The desperation of migrants and the unreasonable measures used against them, including the women and children. Do you think it's reasonable and measured?

Perhaps their parents shouldn't have started throwing stones at armed policemen. Tell me, would you throw anything at a copper who you knew was armed? What about the rights of people not to have stones and rocks thrown at them?? If they want to throw stones and rocks at armed people, why didn't they stay in their own country and throw them at the rebels?
You may note how he's trawling back to December 2015 for some disinformation!
OOOOOOH 3 months ago, that was... Ancient history isn't it. :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
That's exactly the point. You invariably choose a topic that is recent enough for most to have a vague memory of it, but not the details. You then embellish the details, to further your prejudicial argument. That illustrates how you have honed your disinformation process.
The original protest was about fax machine and internet access!
Friday’s demonstration is understood to have been sparked by a broken fax machine, out of commission for several days – which many detainees were relying on to lodge their appeals.
One detainee told The Independent: “If we are stuck in a detention centre without a working fax machine or internet access, how can we be expected to get the necessary proof needed to challenge decisions?”
This DM article reports a protest and is supported by a couple of pics of migrants and an interview with a local official that has absolutely no relevance to any protest whatsoever!
They are also angry at not being provided free internet, which has prevented them from contacting relatives back home.
Even your embellishment of this story is embellished even further by your RWR mates in pursuit of your prejudicial and political agenda.
What about these refugees demanding better connections for their smartphones.... Perhaps we should be installing 100Mb internet first at these refugee camps? Pah,,,,
This is 100% true.
They were not being given enough "free" spending money to buy fags
The "free" internet signal for their phones was not fast / strong enough.
The desperation of migrants and the unreasonable measures used against them, including the women and children. Do you think it's reasonable and measured?
Perhaps their parents shouldn't have started throwing stones at armed policemen. Tell me, would you throw anything at a copper who you knew was armed? What about the rights of people not to have stones and rocks thrown at them?? If they want to throw stones and rocks at armed people, why didn't they stay in their own country and throw them at the rebels?
You'd do well to spend more time researching facts instead of jumping to preconceived prejudicial opinions. Perhaps you think a refugee camp should be compared to a week at Butlins. :rolleyes:
The disparity has sparked daily protests among people from Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Congo, Somalia, Eritrea, Morocco and elsewhere who feel they, too, deserve to claim asylum in Europe...
The protesters have been stuck in Greece for two weeks after Macedonian authorities said they would only allow Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis to pass. ...
Thursday when a group of Iranians, Pakistanis and Moroccans blocked the border gate. They shouted "Open the border!", "We are not terrorists!" and "If we don't cross, no one does!"..
Several others were injured as refugee and migrant groups hurled rocks at each other — particularly targeting Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans. Police fired tear gas to disperse them..
Greek police corralled hundreds of Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis in a field to shield them from rioting migrants. They spent the night there with little to no shelter despite near-freezing temperatures....
Behind him, a group of five Iraqi brothers, their wives and their children sat on muddy blankets, quietly waiting to hear whether they would be allowed to cross that day....
One of the women, 25-year-old Fatima, was nine months pregnant and said she had not eaten in 24 hours.
"Most of us stuck here are families," she said. Just then, her brother-in-law walked past carrying a crying baby girl dressed in pink who been separated from her family in the crowd. He held her high, hoping her parents would claim her.
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The desperation of migrants and the unreasonable measures used against them, including the women and children. Do you think it's reasonable and measured?
Perhaps their parents shouldn't have started throwing stones at armed policemen. Tell me, would you throw anything at a copper who you knew was armed? What about the rights of people not to have stones and rocks thrown at them?? If they want to throw stones and rocks at armed people, why didn't they stay in their own country and throw them at the rebels?
You'd do well to spend more time researching facts instead of jumping to preconceived prejudicial opinions. Perhaps you think a refugee camp should be compared to a week at Butlins. :rolleyes:
The disparity has sparked daily protests among people from Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Congo, Somalia, Eritrea, Morocco and elsewhere who feel they, too, deserve to claim asylum in Europe...Economic migrants..
The protesters have been stuck in Greece for two weeks after Macedonian authorities said they would only allow Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis to pass. ...
Thursday when a group of Iranians, Pakistanis and Moroccans blocked the border gate. They shouted "Open the border!", "We are not terrorists!" and "If we don't cross, no one does!"..How do we know who's a possible terrorist? ISIS said they would use this to their advantage.
Several others were injured as refugee and migrant groups hurled rocks at each other — particularly targeting Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans. Police fired tear gas to disperse them..So, fighting amongst themselves already - just can't stop themselves can they?
Greek police corralled hundreds of Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis in a field to shield them from rioting migrants. They spent the night there with little to no shelter despite near-freezing temperatures....They knew the risks and issues
Behind him, a group of five Iraqi brothers, their wives and their children sat on muddy blankets, quietly waiting to hear whether they would be allowed to cross that day....As above
One of the women, 25-year-old Fatima, was nine months pregnant and said she had not eaten in 24 hours.
"Most of us stuck here are families," she said. Just then, her brother-in-law walked past carrying a crying baby girl dressed in pink who been separated from her family in the crowd. He held her high, hoping her parents would claim her. Maybe her family should have kept a closer eye on her?And, how do we know that's true - could be just the usual using a child for the sympathy vote - they're pretty good at it.

My take on some of your comments..
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