Brexit - a reality check!

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Germany has a massive advantage over the UK. It is in the EU, and welcomes in young migrant workers.
More proof that Brexit is working - isn't the EU bringing in rules to stop this happening?

Chancellor Rishi Sunak's wife, Akshata Murty, has revealed she has non-domiciled status for UK tax purposes.
The status means Ms Murty legally does not have to pay UK tax on income she earns outside Britain.
No wonder he always has that massive grin on his face. Taxes the poor more, while earning millions from his wife's stake in the family IT company.

Maybe I should set up my business overseas, I have family in 2 other countries ... No, I won't do that, because I'm not a dick.
the simple facts where always going to be that we would be worse off initially as change costs money
i thought originally perhaps 5 to 10% worse off but as time went on thought perhaps 10-15% and a massive uphill battle to try and claw back the same ground we had lost and hopefully get better but now seems we have tied one hand behind our backs restricting emigrating workers as a lot off our economy relies on cheap labour and people being prepared to live in overcrowded digs often 6- 10 to a room and work well below minimum wage we have also told them they are not welcome by our closed emigration policies
this means many business models simply dont work so food pickers catering entertainment caring and hospitality will have to up there costs dramatically to meet minimum wage so create inflation or close down causing shortages
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Rational Wiki, massive lol. How deep do you left wing nut jobs need to dredge the gutters FFS.

Zero Hedge is a far right libertarian newqs aggregator.. read more

American intelligence officials told the Associated Press on Tuesday the controversial financial website Zero Hedge has spread Russian propaganda, read more

U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian spies. read more

Zero Hedge is often blamed for spreading false information. In February, Twitter permanently banned Zero Hedge’s account, read more

Twitter Inc. has banned financial market website Zero Hedge from the social media platform after it published an article linking a Chinese scientist to the outbreak of the fast-spreading coronavirus last week. Zero Hedge said it received a notification from Twitter on Friday, accusing it ... read more

The financial blog Zero Hedge was permanently suspended from Twitter on Friday after it published an article identifying a Chinese scientist it claimed created the deadly Wuhan coronavirus.

A report from Buzzfeed News first captured on the controversy, which labeled Zero Hedge a "far-right" and "pro-Trump" news site, read more

There are loads more but I think people can get the picture. It's far right bulls hit gutter stuff that gassy and the right wing not only thrive on but actually believe.

Massive lol.
A website run by politically motivated and hard-core woke individuals. Their website is centered around left-liberal doctrines such as militaristic atheism, white guilt, feminism, gynocentrism, anti-Сhristianity and radical LGBT dogmas. Despite the obvious fact that RationalWiki has pretty much nothing to do with basic rationality, as rationality requires an objective and unbiased view on political, economical and social issues (and such a statement is, unironically, demagogically ridiculed by the admins once they face criticism towards their website for not being rational), many liberals don't find anything wrong with this as the website's narrative fits exactly what these people want to read there. People who do not follow the narrative of this wiki and enter into disputes with the site administration are almost always immediately blocked and very often accused of being "far-right", "fascist" or even sometimes "tankies" (for those who hold left-wing views and are opposed to the RationalWiki ideology, although it depends on each user). Everything written above leaves the impression of this website being a circus of illiterate political freaks, strongly reminiscent of troll wikis such as Encyclopedia Dramatica, but unfortunately, in our reality these people sincerely stand behind their ideology as if it's a sacred cow.
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