Brexit Checks not needed 2

10 Jul 2024
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United Kingdom
Sorry to harp on, but can anyone explain why my post was deleted. There was no explanation forthcoming from Mods.


I responded to mitch66's implied question.
I did reply "it did" in response to the comment about Brexit not helping immigration problem.
I elucidated how it did, and it didn't.
It did, in that it allowed the UK government to pass the Illegal immigration law. Without Brexit that wouldn't have been possible. The law is against the fundamental Human Rights principle of the EU.
I also explained how it didn't. The government basically stopped processing asylum seekers, so they had to accommodate them, for ever and a day if they wouldn't process them.
If they continued processing them, any successful applicants wouldn't need permanent accommodation.

To add a further dimension, as an after thought, the illegal immigration law would probably stop any possible re-entry of UK into the EU. That law would need to be repealed as it's against the fundamental Human Rights of the EU.

In the post that was deleted, I also jokingly responded with something like "whores don't wine people, as far as I know". My apologies if that offended anyone.

I also responded to the jibe about being an IT Bot, with the simple word, "exterminate...." as in Dr Who and the Daleks.
Again my apologies to anyone who was offended by my clumsy attempt at humour.

Other than that, I have absolutely no idea why the thread was closed, and my post deleted.
If anyone has an explanation, I'd be pleased to consider it.
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I don’t know about the thread you mention above. But another thread was deleted last night, the historic post thread.

Notch7 claims to have had the historic one deleted, so perhaps ask him, he seems to have some clout with the mods.
I don’t know about the thread you mention above. But another thread was deleted last night, the historic post thread.

Notch7 claims to have had the historic one deleted, so perhaps ask him, he seems to have some clout with the mods.
I'm not really interested in who, more the 'why'.
I don't know if there were more posts added later, and mine seemed like a convenient point to terminate the thread.
But I'm pretty sure my comments were innocuous. Maybe someone took offence, but I can't see how nor why.
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