Britain slumps another £10bn into the red

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So looks like they are right to cut so much.

No idea where the money to bail out Ireland will come from.

Gordon Brown should be sent to the tower.
i am sure redundancy packages for civil servants must figure in there some where

there are severe down sides to making people unemployed they get a settlement and claim unemployment benefit
the jobs simply arn't there to give many employment
It has already been shown that for every one vacancy there are 5 people claiming UB. Therefore the government can only cut unemployment by 1/5th. Cuts are on the way, which will undoubtedly push unemployment up. Will we end up with 1 job for every 8 or 10 unemployed??
Fat chance of cutting unemployment then :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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No idea where the money to bail out Ireland will come from.

The Royal Mint will be working overtime printing more duff notes to cover that one.
Perhaps the French and German govt's will step in and chip in with a few euro's ( I bet it will be a few as well)
i am sure redundancy packages for civil servants must figure in there some where

We'd better scrap them then hadn't we? The country is bust due to that idiot Brown. We jailed Nick Leeson for sending Barings bust - do the same with Brown.
It has already been shown that for every one vacancy there are 5 people claiming UB. Therefore the government can only cut unemployment by 1/5th.

Not necessarily.

If things are getting tough for us, then they are getting tough in poorer parts of Europe too. They will come here and mop up any jobs going.
Eastern Europeans will come here when times are good or bad, because if its bad in The UK, it will be a lot worse in Warsaw or Bucharest. Hopeless!
Once the Irish accept the EU bailout, the UK will be asked to contribute, costing us even more. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Never mind - the housing market will rise and we`ll see an 80`s boom next year :mrgreen:
Once the Irish accept the EU bailout, the UK will be asked to contribute,

Funny thing this "bailout". I was listening to an interview on radio 4 the other day and it seems a lot of Irish polititian are unhappy about it . Most do not want this money from europe , it's being forced upon them and don't forget it's actually a loan which as one polititian said for a country in debt more debt is the last thing they need. He went on to explain that a sizeable portion of this "bailout" money would actually go back to europe to buy out what he called pre failed bonds leaving Ireland to pay back the debt! He likened it to a money shark forcing you to take out a loan with him to pay him for the previous loan.
Added to the problem is that the EU is likey to force Ireland to raise it's corperation taxes which will end up forcing business , and in particular the large pharmasuitical industry, to leave the country depriving the government of incomes.
The UK will soon need a bailout. We currently owe:

Eight hundred and forty five thousand million pounds.

This month alone we borrow more than the cost of the 2012 Olympics.

If we can't stop borrowing - how are we ever going to reduce that ridiculous figure?

It works out at £14K for every man woman and child in the UK.
Yes but these bailouts aren't gifts , they're loans.
Is this the best that can be come up with? Borrowing enough to get completely out of debt :eek:
oh yer tory t w a t why has lord young dived so fast then
never had it so good

jeez wake up and smell the coffee son
yer a loon :rolleyes:

oh excuse me sid feel free to start snipping :rolleyes:
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