Seems to me it's got *more* of people's awareness, by *not* being broadcast by the Beeb and Sky. As such, what damage is their stance doing to the fundraising? None, as far as I can see, Jewish infiltration or otherwise.
Either way, I'll be contributing the same amount, whether they show it, or not.
GOOD point.
I am beginning to suspect that this might have been planned, ie. the BBC refusal to air the apeal, to get people,s attention and thus getting more attention than ever,
not saying people are not generous, they are on the whole,but who in their right mind in a recession,, would want to pay for someone else' unecessary aggression.
i personally say the state of isreal using unecessary firepower and aggression did most of the damage,
due to using this amount of force kids have been killed ,orphaned, whole familie's killed not to mention the already over exhausted hardly functioning economy has been reduced to scrap,,
so i say israel should take full responsibility for innocent civillians- home's-school's-etc. that they bombed just because they could, (I doubt it tho.)
and should pay for the majority of the rebuild and orphans losses etc.
But no they are doing a "BBC"(big bulls**t by c@nts) job on the good people of this country ,
so in effect we will be paying for their war against "hamas".(for GAS really
Who have been elected by the people of Palestine.
I will still be paying to help the poor people,, but at least i'v seen through the scam,
I hope this doesn't stop people donating, as it is just an opinion,
i'v never seen p**s taken on this scale before