Indeed it does! However he did seem to know what he was talking about regarding the smoke alarms and you didn't! And your the one working for him! So despite everything you have said what does that say about you??
I actually fear for the customer! On the one hand one hand there 1 of u demanding smoke alarms he doesn't have to have and the other one doing whatever he likes! I bet the poor customer feels like he is being smashed from pillar to post!
Did you actually check all those things weren't specified by the customer and the guy running the job is going along with it as I doubt a paying customer would accept things he didn't want, like or ask for!
I think you, the customer and the other spark need to talk to each other and find out what the hell is going on before you all start going down your own paths and making assumptions that ultimately are disastrous!!
When it comes to the smoke alarm statement I believe you are wrong and that they are required due to the conversion of the loft. I've cut and pasted this off a building control guidance note;
" 5.
Automatic smoke detection and alarms.
Mains powered and battery backed up (either rechargeable or rechargeable) smoke detectors must be installed on each storey in accordance with BS5839-6: 2004 – Grade D - category LD3 standard.
All detectors must be interlinked together so that all sound even if only one is triggered and must be placed in the circulation spaces / protected stairway within 7.5m of every habitable room door. If however due to the layout of the loft there is no circulation space, a smoke detector should be fitted in the loft room itself.
Smoke detectors should be mains powered to a single independent circuit on the dwellings mains consumer unit or a single regularly used local lighting circuit. Provide a means of isolating power to the smoke alarms without isolating the lighting.
Detectors are to be positioned so that they can be reached for maintenance and testing i.e. not over stairs etc.
If floor area of the loft exceeds 200m2, the building will be considered to be a ‘large house’ and the fire detection system will need to be improved as follows:
Large dwellings of 2 storeys (excluding basements) to have fire detection / alarm system of Grade B - Category LD3 (BS 5839-6: 2004).
Large dwellings of 3 or more storeys (excluding basements) to have fire detection / alarm system of Grade A - Category LD2 (BS 5839-6: 2004)."
With regards to the materials that the "approved" electrician ordered in regards to the mini trunking and metal clad sockets. He did not notice his mistake until I explained. With the IPx4 light he thought that you had to fit them in a bathroom as he seemed to have no concept of the zones. With the consumer unit his response was that his was in the basement and as he lived next door then it would be alright!
Hence why I am questioning his competence now!
By the way, why are you getting sooooo defensive? Doe's this sound familiar or something?