But where are you really from? Lady-in-waiting has resigned.

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there aren't any black toffs
I'd identify as a Mongrel...

In the preceding 4 generations of my family is English, Irish, Scottish and Russian people. I can trace my paternal ancestors back to 1780's in the church grounds of my home village.
It doesn't matter about your ancestry. It matters about how it is viewed, and articulated.
The palace woman has been reported to have expressed negative comments on Harry and Meghan’s relationship to a bunch of “outsiders” . That it itself is a bad indicator. Both of racism and workplace discipline.
The conversation was witnessed
The point of “but where in Africa” was stressed several times.
She was born in the UK to Caribbean origin parents.
Few if any Caribbean people could identify where in Africa their roots would be as tribespeople would not have had a western idea of western created lands.

It’s no surprise that many on here seem to defend the palace woman but it’s just plain ignorant to continuously probe someone who has answered a question and doesn’t wish to expand on it.

If you asked a question like that at a job interview you‘d be sacked.

The conversation is different to asking a friend about their heritage. A lady at work is a British Pakistani born here, grammar school educated and sees herself as British. Her parents were born in Pakistan and she goes on holiday to there, plus Turkey and Wales. We chat about Pakistan and other holidays but I don’t interrogate her and demand to know her parent’s village.
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As they do in Scotland and Ulster ask what football team they support then what school they went to and see if it begins with Saint or another religious connotation
They cannot say a charity to help black women who are victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse. This would be illegal. This is why they define a woman of African and Caribbean heritage.

- seems a bit of a stretch to justify a charity that discriminated against non African and Caribbean women. Surely a battered woman comes in all colours?

Hopefully the charity commission will have a look. I find it hypocritical to call out the Lady’s racism (which it was) while being guilty of racism herself.
Hopefully the charity commission will have a look. I find it hypocritical to call out the Lady’s racism (which it was) while being guilty of racism herself.

And hopefully some on here will accept that there are black people who hate and despise 'whiteys', this lady seems to be a prime example. She has 'previous' and will do it again, simply because she can and likes to cause a bit of mischief, and knowing that 'whitey' will be beating himself up for not being woke enough.
And hopefully some on here will accept that there are black people who hate and despise 'whiteys', this lady seems to be a prime example. She has 'previous' and will do it again, simply because she can and likes to cause a bit of mischief, and knowing that 'whitey' will be beating himself up for not being woke enough.
Lets not swerve away too much.

The old lady was in the wrong. There are other wrongs too, but we are on about this 1.
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