Frightened Rogercon getting confused again. Reckon you will revert back to your other username (Norcon) any time soon?Jeremy corbyn blah, blah, blah....
Poor old Rogercon.
Frightened Rogercon getting confused again. Reckon you will revert back to your other username (Norcon) any time soon?Jeremy corbyn blah, blah, blah....
Poor old Rogercon
Might try Andorra or even Whistler soon. Ill let you know.alpine skier
Correct.Be another good laff.
Not with the ski gear on. Even in big negative temp's it sometimes gets a bit too sweaty. D-d-d-if-f-f-ferent at n-n-n-ight-t can be unreasonably cold.
You must be nuts. It was -13 when we arrived down in Solden and I was shivering. Didn't once get cold up the mountain though. You do need to spend the money on decent gear.I've been out at -40 with all the good gear in the Rockies
You must be nuts.
-13, pah!
Canada is cold
I've been in places where you throw a mug of hot coffee in the air and it freezes before it hits the ground.
Whistler has a reputation for being colder than most.
Interesting fact no. 24
-40F is -40C