Cameron only made £7m from Greensill - should have texted Matt Hancock instead

get a grip ffs

All politicians are scheisters most have or will get there snouts in the trough

if I was Cameron and some one whinged about my 7 million
I would tell
Em to mind there own and go and do one

The kinnocks all got there snouts in the trough ref the EU

you never contributed to the 7 mill

Thicko the £350m that was loaned to Greensill is backed by the tax payer.

The mask slips everytime a Tory issue comes up.
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no he would not

He would. Because its a conceit that you were somehow left with no option but to vote for the Tories when you actually are not mandated to vote. It's such a transparent conceit.
Thicko the £350m that was loaned to Greensill is backed by the tax payer.

The mask slips everytime a Tory issue comes up.

Er no we are talking about Cameron’s 7 million

you started the thread

and incidentally I never voted Tory or for any other scheisters

I would rather vote for a donkey with a blue roset on its penis :ROFLMAO:

or any other colour tbh
Er no we are talking about Cameron’s 7 million

you started the thread

and incidentally I never voted Tory or for any other scheisters

I would rather vote for a donkey with a blue roset on its penis :ROFLMAO:

How did he make that £7m - using his contacts and whoring himself out calling and contacting everyone he could to get the loans signed off.

The way you defend them I would have thought you have your eye on a covid contract.:ROFLMAO:
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How did he make that £7m - using his contacts and whoring himself out calling and contacting everyone he could to get the loans signed off.

The way you defend them I would have thought you have your eye on a covid contract.:ROFLMAO:

well of course politicians are paid in part because of who they know

some body offered me a contract and if there was some thing in it for me I would get my snout in the trough

have a good look at your life and what you consume

who do you indirectly exploit

you don’t really give a s*** :ROFLMAO:
And what have we got now

another new Labour Party

embrace the Blair years and reject the corbyn saga

well at least Starmer is or has wised up
He would. Because its a conceit that you were somehow left with no option but to vote for the Tories when you actually are not mandated to vote. It's such a transparent conceit.

Some feel they have to vote so that the person they really don't want gets in.

I honestly worried what would happen if Corbyn and his band of extreme lefties got into power.

We all knew Boris is a lying bone head, and all politicians have their snouts in the trough, some are better at hiding it than others, I don't believe Jo Swinson was ever a credible option, she completely disregarded half the population and was also connected with possible snout troughing via the EU and her husband.

Could have voted for the greens but their leader is a buffoon, look at what she's done with Brighton.

People could always not vote but then if you don't contribute to the vote you them can't really complain when those you dislike are in power.

Regardless of who is in charge we all know we will end up bent over with our arses in the air just waiting to be shafted up the rectum.

Personally I didn't vote the last time round, I took the stance of we are *******ed whichever way I'll let everyone else decide by whom.

That said however none was predicting the pandemic, I think Swinson would have done well with the pandemic, Corbyn would still be trying to make a decision, the greens would be blaming it on emissions. However none of them would have done as well as the Tories have with the vaccine, as all of them would have jumped in and fed off the coat tails of the EU which only the Tories were brazen enough to not get involved with
All politicians are scheisters most have or will get there snouts in the trough

You have fallen into the trap of accepting lying dishonest sleazeballs as normal.

It isn't normal and it isn't acceptable.

The country accepted a dishonest lying incompetent as the leader chosen by a small number of elderly Tories and brexer MPs to get their way.

The results have damaged the country.

And now people like you say "never mind, they all do it."

Is that what you say about shoplifters?


Tax Dodgers?

Lying politicians?

Drink drivers?

Racist cops?

Health ministers who hand out contracts to their pub landlord?

Housing ministers who conspire to divert funds intended for deprived areas into their own constituencies?
You have fallen into the trap of accepting lying dishonest sleazeballs as normal.

It isn't normal and it isn't acceptable.

The country accepted a dishonest lying incompetent as the leader chosen by a small number of elderly Tories and brexer MPs to get their way.

The results have damaged the country.

And now people like you say "never mind, they all do it."

Is that what you say about shoplifters?


Tax Dodgers?

Lying politicians?

Drink drivers?

Racist cops?

Politicians aren't honest anymore, they get pulled over the coals by the ****terati so it's best for them all to lie.

Last honest politician was Gordon brown... I voted for him, the rest of the country however voted for sleazeball Cameron.

Even lib Dems, as soon as they got into shared power they soon reneged on all their promises.

The power corrupts them all
You've fallen into the same trap.

Johnson has normalised sleaze.

not just johnson,

it's been since major, it's not just at an MP level, it's throughout the whole system, local councils etc, and no party is immune to it.

i'm hoping starmer comes good
You have fallen into the trap of accepting lying dishonest sleazeballs as normal.

It isn't normal and it isn't acceptable.

The country accepted a dishonest lying incompetent as the leader chosen by a small number of elderly Tories and brexer MPs to get their way.

The results have damaged the country.

And now people like you say "never mind, they all do it."

Is that what you say about shoplifters?


Tax Dodgers?

Lying politicians?

Drink drivers?

Racist cops?

Health ministers who hand out contracts to their pub landlord?

Housing ministers who conspire to divert funds intended for deprived areas into their own constituencies?

well Er tax dodgers

you mean those who want to pay for there new boilers via cash so as to avoid vat

or those customers who ask you to invoice there company for work carried out on the private house

look down your street

you will find plenty of tax dodgers or those who are up for it ;)

dare say there are a good few in here ;)
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