Cameron's New BUZZ Word

20 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
Cameron's New BUZZ Word or does he just want a change

Mr Cameron said: "What this whole episode demonstrates is the need for change - not change in the special advisers code but change in the culture at Number 10 Downing Street.

"I do not think we will get a change in culture until we get a change in leadership and we won't get a change in leadership until we get a change of government.

"These people have just been in power too long; they have forgotten who they are serving, what they are meant to be doing, how they are meant to behave and we need some change.

"I do not know what Gordon Brown knew and when he knew it but what I do know is that he hired these people, he sets the culture, he is the leader and we need change in order to change the culture and stop this sort of nonsense."
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I'll have ya spare change then! :D

It's as good as a rest, apparently, but what if the rest don't want a change?

BTW, what do all those beggars do with the pesetas I throw in their cups?
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MOD 7's alright I reckon. :D Nearly always posts why he's/she's deleted something. A canny sort. I sincerely thank you for informing us MOD7.
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