Can I / should I go to hospital?

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That is a definitive OUCH! I seriously would recommend a visit to A&E or at least an out of hours GP at the hospital.

Just out of interest, how did you do it? Hammer? Door slam?

This joint must be assessed with x-ray
OK i did this to my ring finger a while back tripped and bent it backwards middle joint of finger swelled up massive. I still can't straighten that finger after 2months slowly getting straighter though, not sure what i did there if anyone knows?
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Dislocation and re-location but it didn't pop back quite correctly maybe?
Well I’m currently sat at the hospital waiting for an X-ray so will find out soon what I’ve done.
Well I’m currently sat at the hospital waiting for an X-ray so will find out soon what I’ve done.

I broke a knuckle some years ago.
After little more than a week, the doctor removed the splint, and told me to start doing exercises for the joint.
"You've got to be joking!" I told him. "it still hurts like fook."

He told me that, if I didn't get it moving soon, it wouldn't move properly again (apparently, the hands are supposed to be moving pretty much all of the time, so will seize up if not kept mobile).
Sorry to disappoint everyone. It is not broken.

Very impressed with the hospital as always. I was booked in, assessed, X-rayed, strapped up and discharged within two hours of arriving.

I miss my old Tranny but she did rust. Have they started galvanising panels on the Custom yet?
My old tranny rusted away that was the only reason I got rid of it.

My custom is 4 years old and so far no rust at all yet
I had to scrap all the ford I owned in my time for...
You guessed it: RUST!
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