Cant beleive it

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hermes said:
noodlz said:

Ah, so you finally saw past the disguise then?

Something should've given it away sooner, but I was too preoccupied with her four breasts to care (even if they did appear to have dropped a little)

Also, looking back, when I passed her my grass to smoke and she started chewing it, it could've been another sign? :confused:

Oh, time I'll stick to sheep...if I can catch them.
moderator said:
ban-all-sheds, you should know by now it is not done for the likes of your self but for "kids" that think it amusing to type rude words and also to stop adult sites being advertised.
But it's a ridiculous thing to do, and it makes you and us look daft.

There are so many words in the English language that have either homonyms or slang uses that you object to that to engage in context-free censorship is incompetent.

You don't seem to need autocensorship to kill off the adverts for pharmaceutical sites, so why is it essential for stopping adult sites?

And if kids find it amusing to type rude words then they must know the words already, so they don't need protecting either.

You may regret the fact that there are such homonyms and slang uses, but tough - that's the way the language is.

on your secondary point, the Spam posts are manually deleted by Mods tirelessly perusing new posts and hitting them individually with a big hammer. No automated tool.

Mod Rupert
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Mod Rupert said:
on your secondary point, the Spam posts are manually deleted by Mods tirelessly perusing new posts and hitting them individually with a big hammer. No automated tool.
In which case surely I was correct - we don't need autocensoring of "naughty" words to prevent adult sites being advertised...?