I don't disagree, though I do remember the boom of the late 90s, when firms had to hire armies of self employed contractors to write code, at £1K+ per day, with these guys barely doing 6 hours a day and often poor quality work. You had no choice. Governments failure was to allow cheap off-shore skills to land in their 1000s. However, absolutely nothing to do with Privatisation or conservative vs. labour policy. Governments have a long history of failure to deliver IT projects. this has been true in the 90s, the 00s and 10s. You might well argue, this is because they have no in-house governance and end up hiring PWC, to watch KPMG, watching CapGemini overseeing Wipro on the delivery, while at the same time making redundant anyone who understands the business. I'd definitely agree with that.
For anyone who thinks the Tories are worse... remember Tubelines and Metronet, created under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) during the labour government both of which failed within 5 or 6 years having spent millions.