Car accident involving bicycle

there are several strategies in play.
The first is they will offer a very low settlement to see if you're desperate to get your hands on some quick cash.
The second is they don't mind how long it takes you to decide. If your injuries haven't healed but you suffer some other unrelated condition (eg cancer), they get a huge reduction to the settlement from that point on.
Third, they hope you die before you settle. If you do, no payout to you or your estate.
Don't be in a rush to settle, go through every medical route to ascertain the full extent of your injuries and the extent to which they may affect your future earnings. Multiply a slight reduction over many years and your real lost earnings could be substantial.
Get very good at maths, don't trust anyone else's calculations for past or future earnings, and make all the projections for increases due to inflation, etc.
I hope you have kept very good records of your earnings over the years, they will ask for proof of all your claimed losses.
Be prepared for a long uphill stuggle. Insurance companies are cold-hearted and ruthless.
Don't lie and don't get caught on film riding your pushbike when you should be on your death-bed
If it all sounds like doom and gloom, that's because for you, it is.
I held out for 8 years and had the initial offer increased 10-fold.
It was worth waiting for
Good luck
Problem is i was not in a fit state to exchange insurance details as i was taken away in an ambulance and the police are quoting the data protection act and refusing to tell me the details
Got to be something wrong there. How on earth can they attend an accident, watch you being carted off to hospital, charge the driver with some motoring offence, then refuse to pass any of his details over to the injured party?

What if you'd been unconscious at the time ? Would they still refuse to pass on details?. Bloody political correctness gone mad. Probably against his yooman rights to have his details passed on to anyone but the CPS.
I'd advise you to seek legal advice as soon as possible.
this thread should be titled 'Bicycle accident involving car'
The police seem to be quoting the data protection act, wrongly, as it is you that can request the data from the data protection act, and not for them to withhold it...

But, as always on forums, half a story does not make a thread, so half truths are made. No details are made as to the actual accident, no truths are made as to the collision...

My experience on the roads are that cyclists run red lights, ride the pavement, don't obey road laws, and have no insurance/tax or MOT.

So your bike didn't comply with law, having no lights, you ran a red light, you have NO insurance. Did you comply with all these?

If you ever broke these every bike rider don't have a leg to stand on on. Hard and fast rules...but cars have to have insurance, bike riders break the rules daily. Stop moaning.
The police seem to be quoting the data protection act, wrongly, as it is you that can request the data from the data protection act, and not for them to withhold it...
are you not referring to the freedom of information act?

But, as always on forums, half a story does not make a thread, so half truths are made. No details are made as to the actual accident, no truths are made as to the collision...
How can you make an assumption that the op's description isn't accurate? It's you that seems to be jumping to conclusion here based on no evidence :confused:

My experience on the roads are that cyclists run red lights, ride the pavement, don't obey road laws, and have no insurance/tax or MOT.
My experience is that cyclists are also human beings, just like drivers. They are not an alien entity

So your bike didn't comply with law, having no lights, you ran a red light, you have NO insurance. Did you comply with all these?
Useful backgound information to be sure, however, non of these excuse the motorist doing a "hit and run"

If you ever broke these every bike rider don't have a leg to stand on on. Hard and fast rules...but cars have to have insurance, bike riders break the rules daily. Stop moaning.
A "take the rough with the smooth" argument eh? Fair enough, providing it applies to the drivers too :rolleyes:
The police seem to be quoting the data protection act, wrongly, as it is you that can request the data from the data protection act, and not for them to withhold it...
are you not referring to the freedom of information act?

Nobody mentioned freedom of information act, DATA protection.

But, as always on forums, half a story does not make a thread, so half truths are made. No details are made as to the actual accident, no truths are made as to the collision...
How can you make an assumption that the op's description isn't accurate? It's you that seems to be jumping to conclusion here based on no evidence :confused:

The OP is posting the information deemed relevant from his point of view, there is no 3rd party account, no witness evidence, and by the OP's own admission he was concussed, and unaware of the situation at the time, so the OP cannot give an accurate description of what occurred

My experience on the roads are that cyclists run red lights, ride the pavement, don't obey road laws, and have no insurance/tax or MOT.
My experience is that cyclists are also human beings, just like drivers. They are not an alien entity

Road users in general have to be tested to be on the road, have a license, and have to be insured. Bike users don't, and therefore don't adhere to the laws that the motorist normally should.

So your bike didn't comply with law, having no lights, you ran a red light, you have NO insurance. Did you comply with all these?
Useful backgound information to be sure, however, non of these excuse the motorist doing a "hit and run"

Does the OP state that the driver did a 'hit and run'?? He was arrested, and faces court.

If you ever broke these every bike rider don't have a leg to stand on on. Hard and fast rules...but cars have to have insurance, bike riders break the rules daily. Stop moaning.
A "take the rough with the smooth" argument eh? Fair enough, providing it applies to the drivers too :rolleyes:

Well it does, although the fact remains bikes don't pay tax, don't pay insurance, haven't passed a test to be on the road.