Car insurance query

insurers are not being fined or forced to reimburse customers who have been fleeced.
"The start of 2022 will see a fundamental shift in the car and home insurance market for UK consumers: under new rules, providers will be forced to offer existing clients the same terms at renewal as they would receive as a new customer.

It will still be worth doing a price comparison each year, because companies do vary the cost of their insurance, depending on claims and many other factors. The only difference will be old and new both paying a similar price, for similar cover.
The consumer body cited the example of Diane, a septuagenarian from Kent who had home and contents insurance with the same provider for more than 10 years. In 2018, she received a renewal letter bumping her annual premium from £1,500 to £3,500. After going through the Yellow Pages, Diane found insurance elsewhere for £958."

That is disgusting profiteering.
Still disgusting at those prices, unless the home resembles Buckingham palace.
Found cheaper insurance for my sister who was paying £300 a year for contents , cheapest quote was £3.97.

Judging by what I pay, her home should have a rebuild cost of £12+ M.